Power Level: 800 {Now before people want to shoot me for this low number. First off, he just partially awakened, and he hasn't learned to control his ki.}
Anime & Comics · HiddenRecluse
Damnit Truck-Kun, not again. Will that vehicle ever stop?
One moment, I was crossing the street, earbuds in, listening to the Dragon Ball Z soundtrack and thinking about how Goku would handle a tough day at work. The next moment, I heard the screech of tires—a sound that pierced through the music. My heart stopped as I turned my head just in time to see the blinding headlights of a speeding truck. It was too fast. There was no time to react. No time to move. No time to even feel fear.
Anime & Comics · TheSupremeReader99
TFS never stops making us laugh.
Before anyone could respond, Android 19's robotic voice cut through the air. "Scanning... 92% probability they are psychic. THEY CAN SEE THE FUTURE."
Anime & Comics · Hellycomic
YES, SIR!!!!!!!
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Great job and also you're right. While I do enjoy some OP stories that ends well, some of these plots were they didn't stay human wasn't a smart move. But I did came across some novel that shows that humans are strong too. Keep up the good work with your Iron Man, and God Bless.
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So you're building your Dragonball version of Iron Man? Neat!!! I can't wait for the new chapters. 😁😁😁
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TFS Hellsing.
"Fuck you, that's how. Just Git Gud you fucking loser!" Megumi simply replied, taking joy in seeing his opponent brought so low.
Anime & Comics · HeliosTheDepressed
What's Up, Lord Fushiguro?
HELL NO!!!!!
"No! No, no, no, no, NO!"
Anime & Comics · HolyGambler
I hope the fakers in this story get their just desserts after the MC's suicide.
As the ground rushed closer, everything seemed to slow down. Memories flashed before my eyes: my lonely childhood, the fake smiles of people around me, the moments I tried to be better and was ignored. There was nothing good to take with me. Just sadness.
The Perfect Brute
Anime & Comics · S4tus