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Tell us something about yourself :D

2020-06-12 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 11

Moments 2556

Replied to lSwordsmanl

And, pray tell, what does sasuke use most? Lightning. His lightning will be powerful. Deddy used weaker varients of an explosion, not nearly kage lvl from what I know, so that allowed for an easy counter. 3rd Rai is using his most powerful ability vs one of Fujins weaker abilities.

Fujin had a complicated expression on his face. He thought, 'Rank S ninjas are difficult to deal with. Apart from Kisame, Kakuzu might be the worst match-up for me. I guess he'll compete with the Raikage for that spot.

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

Replied to lSwordsmanl

His current large range wind justus lack in power. So they arent strong enough to dispel the shielding. His jutsus that are powerful enough just lack the speed needed.

Fujin had a complicated expression on his face. He thought, 'Rank S ninjas are difficult to deal with. Apart from Kisame, Kakuzu might be the worst match-up for me. I guess he'll compete with the Raikage for that spot.

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

Replied to HellBoyMC

Pshhh whattt? Nah I would never

"Meow!" without a word, Fish transformed into a human and waved his short hands to grab the candy from Professor McGonagall's hand.

Master Druid in Hogwarts.

Master Druid in Hogwarts.

Movies · inferno303

Replied to Banana_Legoland

Ah yes, it doesn't matter if something is shoved down my throat a few hundred times and permanently burned into my eyes, if you say what that something is it doesn't matter if you didn't provide proof!

Fujin thought, 'Hiruzen asked me to not overdo it. He said that he doesn't want thousands of seals in this room. Meaning, as long as it doesn't reach that number, it should be fine, right? Hehehe, I'll just inscribe 999 seals in this room.

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex


Who got the deluxe 'human' flavored ones?

Except for the few who just enjoy the free food and drink of course.

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC



The piñata around my head suddenly and violently explodes, sending confetti and candy flying and completely ruining my hair, as well as charring my super cool cloak.

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC


C'mon March, just a little swing of your weapon for Lusia to lose their head! Behead them!

"NO! 𝘖𝘣𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 I didn't, what the fuck?!" She exclaims, much to the apparent surprise of her friend. Though she quickly takes a deep breath and starts over, simply choosing to pretend I didn't say anything, "this is Tori, Tori, this is Lusia. There, now you've met, let's go sit down."

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC


A bringer of misfortune in a tower of literal glass? Cant go horribly there

But as I am choking and coughing, Negante greets Fool and offers the seat to his right, Chibi sitting to his left and me further down.

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC


1v1 me Tetris pleb

Until I get bored of that and spend the rest of our time slot ranting about my three favourite games of all time, Solitaire, Minesweeper and Tetris.

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC


Did you at least get a birthday cake? I hear the Lizard Cake in Africa is amazing! Though I'm sure you should go for the deep sea variant

But that won't be ready for another month or two at least, we're only opening this one now because it's my birthday and I threatened to throw a tantrum if I didn't get what I wanted on my birthday.

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC


He sure has opened quite a few doors

"Don't worry about it," I say, cutting him off, "I already figured it out. The protection stuff will be case by case, but for the most part, I'll just visit or call whoever owns the territory and 'convince' them of the importance of our locations remaining neutral. This is good, thank you Fast Travel, you've opened a lot of doors just now, and I can finally put an old plan I had into place.~ So don't you worry, I'll sort everything out and give you a call in a few days."

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC


Careful there, descended into caveman speak at the end

My muscles are far more powerful than my stature would suggest, which is comical in and of itself, but it means I can absorb the force of a fall at terminal velocity without even needing to use my wings to slow me descent.

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC

Replied to Bored_MC

“the cold never bothered me anyway!” Says Elsa(Lusia) with white hair flapping as they spin around in circles

So cool in fact, that I don't even have to wear a helmet or anything, because not only will the cold not effect me, but my eyes seem to have developed some kind of secondary eyelid thing, I don't know if there's a scientific term for it, but it basically just means that having the wind blowing directly into my eyes isn't an issue anymore, same with dust.

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC


No no, March pls, fulfull what you said, decapitate this crazy cannibal! Remove their head!

March only huffs at me and turns back to the helicopter, boarding it with attitude while I, meanwhile, use my tails to decapitate both of my former comrades and then make a massive mouth at the end of my now fully formed tail and vore both of them, leaving the heads held in a pair of tendrils split off from the main mass of my tail.

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC


Poorly made blender and who even sells blenders large enough for a person?

"𝘊𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘺 what happens was, she was trying to make a smoothie, but accidentally fell into the blender. It's a mistake anyone could have made, she will be missed.~ Anyway, you got any idea when Bear is gonna be back?"

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC


Indeed, falling over can be such a pain. I always hate it when I fall over and break every bone and muscle and cell in my body

"...Right and what happened to the Arab? She fall over too?" Crawler's deep and gravelly voice causes March to jolt slightly, not having expected it, and I find that I can more or less understand what he's saying just fine by now.

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC


You get to sell what little sanity you have and in exchange you have friends with also no sanity

"What do I get out of joining, and what would be expected of me?" She asks, both questions completely reasonable, so Tear has no problem answering.

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC


Jack the Jack-o-Lantern,

"Don't worry Jacko, you don't have to say a word, just sit back, relax, and enjoy yourself.~" I give him a pat on the cheek to go with my smiling words, and the next moment-

(COMPLETE) Jester~

(COMPLETE) Jester~

Anime & Comics · Bored_MC

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