

male LV 3

I like: DanMachi+FFs, Darksouls, Souls type games [Code Vein etc.], Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy Tactics, "The Gamer", Gamer-FFs, Self-insert-FFs, Terror Infinity+FFs, "System"-FFs, WoW-FFs, etc.

2020-05-15 Beigetreten United States
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Abzeichen 7

Moments 395
5 months ago

Honestly WAS really good and interesting... Until dumb drama of "Because PLOT" levels of Drama was added/happened. Miscommunication? THAT happens and is normal. Blackmailing someone that HATES you into making them date you??? That some SPECAIL kind of Drama even Sop-op Drama's would ask what's wrong with you. The actual Game world Building? That's really well done. But everything else is just not my cup of tea. But if you only are looking for a good Game story with well thought out mechanics then you should enjoy this story. But otherwise? Mostly likely not, especially if you don't like things like blackmail cause oh boy are there more then a few in this.

6 months ago
Replied to Maybonnie

Always and forever.

The familia Mc will join is already set.

DanMachi: New Sun

DanMachi: New Sun

Anime & Comics · Demon_King22

8 months ago

Baby come back, you can blame it all on me.

9 months ago
Replied to Master_Celestial

Anime Simulation System by:NoFeetManit's Simulations are more detailed in that the story plays-out/lives them, rather than this stories more just options based on what/how the MC is. (Sadly seems to have been dropped).. Which like mentioned before makes this story unique as it more follows what a CYOA actually IS, with the Anime Simulation System acting more like how all other Simulation System Stories that I've read so far.

9 months ago
Replied to Heng_Sothy

Just life in general I would guess as that sounds about right. Lol

"As for the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, stop making trouble. I don't have any brothers or sisters in this life. Even if I did, my brothers and sisters don't have Sharingan." Muttering in his heart, Aston opened the attribute panel and looked at the changes.

Danmachi: I'm Leveling Up In The Dungeon

Danmachi: I'm Leveling Up In The Dungeon

Anime & Comics · Metarln

10 months ago

The Simulation system is a literal legitimate CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) story system but one with actual tangible rewards base on how well the MC does. And I gotta say that is an amazing concept that I've never seen before. I am worried about how the plot will work out as a system like this IS fascinating, but easily and quickly will/can run into "The Gamer" issue of the MC reaching a point so unbelievably powerful in such a short time that the writer HAS to railroad ways in such that the MC at least has a chance to loose/fail, and even those that are done correctly are very few in number. Or the writer just doesn't try and the story becomes nothing but wish fulfillment power fantasy that a 10-12 year old would think is the best thing since a pizza and ice cream party/birthday. Those CAN be fun once in awhile too no matter how old you get/are. The dialogue comes out a bit strange so far, with the MC literally SAYING he is a new arrival to someone and them responding by asking the MC if they are new here... And that is just one of many instances. So dialogues need re-orderings if not full rewrites. Otherwise treat it like a half CN translated story and turn part of your brain off when reading... Here is to hoping that things turn out great and looking forward to reading more, if for nothing else than because of this story's spin on a simulation system. This was written after chapter 10 (just after starting chapter 11 Rewards)

10 months ago
Replied to Forgottenpain

Excuses you and your entire race. Hestia IS Bestia.

10 months ago

nothing but more p....tron writting.nothing but more p....tron writting.

Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
11 months ago

Second lol. Great chapter.

11 months ago

There IS a reason even fighters WISH they could be Mages. I mean why else would the always go on about "I cast FIST!" when its just a punch, read one story that went even more so by have IT BE a spell that adds special effects to a punch (like a SLIGHT/dim glow of light/etc) but don't actually DO any thing. Then there is the Rogues and Thieves that again us SPELLS like invisibly or Shadow stuff because even they wish to be Mages. In short EVERYONE want to be able to throw Fireballs/etc... And shoot Kamehameha Waves but that's just a different type of Magic... Ki/Qi is BS "Do whatever I want to" which again is Magic's whole thing so ergo Ki/Qi is Magic just not the normal kind.

(A/N: It never hurts to have a Mage in the party o3o...)

BNHA: Singularity

BNHA: Singularity

Anime & Comics · Einlion

  • Self-Insert Story Ideas original

    Self-Insert Story Ideas

    Anime & Comics

    ALL ARE UP FOR ADOPTION A small collection of ideas I had/have that I thought would be good stories, but have no real idea how to write but would LOVE to see. So if you see one your up for trying take it and run really, but PLEASE message me or leave a comment something so I can read it too lol. XD Even if it's just a part go for it just leave a comment or something, I mean it I'd love to read them (^.^)

    12 Chs 7 Sammlungen

  • Cliche Fanfic with Multiverse Travel. (Indefinite Hiatus/Dead) original

    Cliche Fanfic with Multiverse Travel. (Indefinite Hiatus/Dead)



    **There will be parts that are "forced', and "cringe". Also wishes/things will "seem" bad/dumb, so if you hate those this is NOT for you...** Hey so a FF with multiverse travel. First time writing and even if English is my 1st language still terrible at writing it so sorry for that. Also no Idea how long I'll write it got the ideas but writing its the hard part lol. A guy dies is give "3" wishes by a god and sent to a different world because of other gods mess/mistakes as compensation. And to give them some entertainment. 1st world is Highschool of the Dead. 2nd world is DanMachi There will be SOME lemons. You can think of this as a wish fulfillment in a sense. Update will be random/sporadic. ~~~~~~~ Yo just a heads up the 1st chapters are ROUGH to say the least sorry. And full of cringe, with just dump logic. It's that way mainly because it's the start AND an ecchi world, OG wise. It does change somewhat later one, so please no more "too forced" then dropped stuff... It's supposed to be like that... ish I have gone through SOME to at least somewhat fix them but its going to take AWHILE from the rest. The ones fixed have (Somewhat fixed) in the title I don't think any after 15 ish will need it, but when I get there I'll check. So once again really sorry. It took til about then to get a lot better I mean in the format of how its written. The story/writing gets better by 20 as it took til then to get better. (^.^) Things ARE explained somewhat after first world hop so wait until after reading to there before bashing on something please. ~~~~~~~ ==Please do read the A/N, and A/T if you see something bad, and such before you drop it or jump to get pitchforks or something hehe== *Disclaimer I don't own anything other then MC and some other OC's. Highschool of the Dead, DanMachi, and other works are owned by their respective owners.* ~Cover Pic is not mine it is owned by its creator.~ Thanks for reading (^.^)

    57 Chs 3.5k Sammlungen

  • A Contractor's Journey original

    A Contractor's Journey


    A Waifu Catalog Story the Catalog is made by Swift. So FF means I don't own anything really. This is another SI. Of course I SAY SI but no SI is REALLY SI they are more SI/OC cause you know no matter what WE/I haven't actually experienced whatever so... Meh. Start is in Dark Souls 1 because have YET to find a FF that even GOES there I've read some that so Bloodbourne and/or Dark Souls 3 but NO Waifu Catalogs that do the first game so... sigh here we go again. I used the Interactive for the Build. found at: https waifu-catalog neocities org. had to space out the web address as Webnovel wouldn't take it otherwise. I BELIEVE it was Made by klassekatze but don't quote me on that as the are A LOT of names on the Credit tab. GREAT JOB GUYS/GALS THANK YOU FOR THE HARD WORK! Also posted this on QQ.

    2 Chs 4 Sammlungen

  • Cliche Fanfic with Multiverse Travel.(Moved to FanFic selection) original

    Cliche Fanfic with Multiverse Travel.(Moved to FanFic selection)



    Hey so a fanfic with multiverse travel. First time writing and even if English is my 1st language still terrible at writing it so sorry for that. Also no Idea how long I'll write it got the ideas but writing its the hard part lol. so here goes. A guy dies is give "3" wishes by a god and sent to a different world because of other gods mess/mistakes as compensation. 1st world is Highschool of the Dead. will try lemons atleast for 1st time but no promises heads up will most likely be writing this on phone so if there are problems that might be why. And to be honest really just writing for myself as had sssooo many different if this or if thats. just did a "FU*K IT" and im writing the newest one to pop in my head. This is also because there are a ton of manga,anime,novels,games I love but they always left me wishing and thinking I could change them given the chance and make them better/ happier. So you can think of this as a wish fulfillment in a sense. *Disclaimer I don't own anything other then MC and some other OC's. HOTD and other works are owned by their respective owners.* ~~~~~~~~~~HEAD UP I GOT IT MOVED TO FANFIC SECTION SO READ IT THERE!!!!~~~~~~~~

    7 Chs 60 Sammlungen