ramp_agent_92 - Profile



LV 14

seeking an escape

2020-05-13 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 11

Moments 966

Replied to Magnadra

thank you for your hard work. I know it isn't easy. there are sites that have people who will proofread papers for you, though I don't remember the name. what do you call someone that speaks only one language? American.

During the next few weeks, Billy worked on packing his things at the workshop and the trees he had as well. He will have to make a new hideout at the place he was going to live, but the idea of making one below a city made it sound even more cool. In any case, while he was packing his things, Billy noticed that his Earth magic was getting quite strong… he didn't know if it was due to his magic was almost at three hundred points or due to his legal sixty Earth Manipulation, but the things he was making had more and more durability...

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99

Replied to DoubleCoN

5000 nano-inchimeters

"In any case, if they are nine, then I am already sixteen… It feels like just a few days ago I was fourteen… time is passing pretty fast," Billy thought.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99


and then the spies would know it. and spread it. and you'd go nowhere

Marie was a friend of the party, so Billy didn't mind teaching her a thing or two. Besides, they will need all the power they can get for the next war, so he should also teach her FIERCE Aura. Knowing her, she wouldn't spread the secret. However, after thinking about it, maybe spreading that secret would help them to win… against such odds. They would need all the power they could get.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99

Replied to mikale7frankle8

make the car with six wheels. back two have enchantment to move forward while mana is stored. lower the middle two when you need to slow or stop and attach brakes to those two. forward wheels would have steering of course.

After having to walk for five nights, Billy made a mental note to forge the parts of a vehicle and then eventually craft one that could be used in many situations. They were wasting too much time while moving like that… he needed a vehicle that would consume magic to move, but not much. It would take a while before he could come up with such an idea.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99


use catnip since its feline monsters so far.

"If we learn how to cancel their magic over the monsters, the people of Toles state will revolt against them," Billy thought. "But I have no idea how to do that."

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99

Replied to DoubleCoN

or create a hardened hollow sphere with a vacuum inside and when it lands the noise and air displacement would mess with soldiers.

"There is also the issue that I don't want to make others see it until the very last moment, so I have to think about that as well," Billy nodded to himself. "Well, I'd better start working soon…"

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99


make it (apple) edish sauce and drink it. faster consumption

That would put his allies in a safer position. The enemy's arrows would have to be Shot a lot closer for them to hit them. Not to mention, the enemies would frown at the sudden arrival of those. Aside from that use, Billy could use Earth magic to make the enemies panic when he fights close to them… Splitting a battalion into several sessions and blocking their retreat path would also guarantee their total annihilation. The only problem is the fact that Billy will have to eat tons of Edish. While not as skilled, Alexander could use Earth magic too, so he would be able to help.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99


try it on my mom. 6.

Billy almost said that it was a secret, but that only worked with his father. Whenever he says that to Camilla, some ominous aura begins to emit from her whole body. One couldn't underestimate a mother of three.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99



Billy and Marie, upon noticing an opportunity there, they ran toward the left side of the monster. In contrast, Natalie and Alexander went in the opposite direction. He blinked his left eye at them, and they got the message. They dashed at the same time, but then when they saw the monster not moving a single inch, they stopped at the last moment, and the monster had used Water Tornado to protect itself anyway. It was surprising that Marie understood that it was just a faint. Still, it was also a bit impressive that his friends understood the message so clearly.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99

Replied to PatrioticZ

careful or Kate is gonna kick you.

It cost a little more mana than expected, but the power was phenomenal. If he could throw it faster, maybe around level twenty, he could kill most enemies instantly. However, Billy frowned afterward since the idea of throwing his main weapon seemed pretty foolish.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99


translator seems to have had a stroke. let's pray for them.

Somehow, Billy noticed Lily focusing some mana on the tip of her sword and on her right arm that was pulling the arrow. The whole movie had nee pretty smooth, so Billy knew that she had used a skill that he had mentioned to her. In any case, the fire flew while making high pitching sound even louder than usual and pierce the whole body of the monster.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99



The items that they bought were as weak as they could be, but it was only expected since they were stingy with their money. In the end, Billy fiddled with them while on one was looking, and just by making them level up three times, their endurance increased by six times. There weren't many effects those could get with only fifteen skill points, so Billy made them increase their health a little bit.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99


maybe use a net?

Billy had shared with them on the previous day the possibility that things would be that difficulty. The cold Golems were like the old slimes in fantasy games. Nothing but magic works on them. While a critical hit could do the job, the core was always moving, so one had to be very lucky to hit it. In any case, Alexander and Natalie still felt troubled since they didn't do a single thing, and they knew that the battle would drag out for quite a while without Billy and Sarah.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99


why not find the worm dungeon in the area the elementalists left?

The group frowned when they heard that. That possibility never crossed their minds… it was only natural that the other states would have those. While they probably couldn't even get close to Toles state, Hiloh should have other borders with other states. For the time being, the people of Hiloh and Heinhall state were allies, but they were a group free of people. They could go anywhere they wanted… that being said, they didn't feel that comfortable with the idea.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99


reading, writing, and arithmetic

Passive: Language Skill Lv 54 (+ 03), Spearmanship Lv 48, Swordsmanship Lv 15, Archery Lv 27, Firing Speed Lv 15, Quick Spear Lv 15 (+ 03), Block Mastery Lv 12 (+ 03), Writing Lv 10 (+ 09), Reading Lv 10 (+ 09), Pain Resistance Lv 03, Recovery Lv 01 + 06

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99



"That is because my party was the one who did that…" Gerald said.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99



The ring of fire was getting close to the flash, and the beast began to tremble dust to the pain… he wasn't holding back and was using his rings, so something like that was to be expected. The guardian couldn't move or attack while Natalie and Alexander were trying to pierce its eyes and while the ring of fire was melting its flesh.

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99


lol. "water the plants". just keep your spear handy while you whip out your spear

"That is why it is a good dungeon… it teaches newbies to stay on their toes," Billy said. "If you want to be an adventurer, you have to get used to this eerie atmosphere and the fact that you might be attacked at any moment… There is no pause to water the plants or to eat anything."

I Can Make Everything Level UP

I Can Make Everything Level UP

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99

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