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male LV 4

just a novel reading addict

2020-05-08 Beigetreten Philippines

Abzeichen 8

Moments 226


i would choose the half ghost, intangible and flight is already OP. Especially possession.

Ignoring all the higher tier Discipline Powers, he went back to the Body Powers screen. He wasn't familiar with some of them, like the Shard Power and Exaltation, so he just ignored those. After a small debate with himself, he selected the 'Super Soldier Serum' without the modifier. This would grant him the physical and mental enhancements while leaving him with 13 points to spend.

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

CYOA: The Multiverse Unbound

Anime & Comics · Capybarian


hahahah chaos


As long as Hinata takes a little more initiative next, and Ino has a little more jealousy, wouldn't the effect of Naruto's love triangle come? Haha, hahaha, hahahaha, I'm just too great!

Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

Anime & Comics · Ginormous_Madman

Replied to TerjoR

besides, he can still take their lifespan.

Li Changsheng immediately realized that one of his supreme subordinates had made their move to prevent Black Fox from escaping, giving a thumbs-up to them in his heart. It seemed that after this, he needed to give them one or two months of lifespan to reward them.

Longevity: Starting by Trading My Lifespan with Supreme Exercise

Longevity: Starting by Trading My Lifespan with Supreme Exercise

Eastern · RebornAnew_author

Replied to AdmireAsriel


Standing in place, Xiao Mei bit her lip, looking aggrieved, her eyes showing some confusion, not understanding why Lin Xiu always avoided her.

BTTH Adding Points To Become Stronger

BTTH Adding Points To Become Stronger

Anime & Comics · AlbertTl


is he a transmigrator?

Jiran started narrating the event of Avatar all the way to season 3, by the end of it the Truthdealer had his mouth wide agape.

Avatar The Legend of Korra: Ruthless Wind

Avatar The Legend of Korra: Ruthless Wind

Anime & Comics · Marcus_Adderley


imagine he gain the panty stealing skill


"I've always been very confident in my luck, so I choose the first one." Alexander still chose the first choice, people have to have a little dream, otherwise he is no different from people at the bottom of the society.

Hunted by characters I Drew!!

Hunted by characters I Drew!!

Anime & Comics · ChasingTheWind



She did not look like she was having the night of her life. The exact opposite, if I had to guess. She was worn down. Run raw and ragged. Even from this distance, I could see dark circles under her eyes that I doubt would normally have been there. They stood out all the more against her deathly pale skin, making her look almost raccoonish.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy


i can imagine the paperwork

Reima "Don't call me a king or I'll have a heart attack." he grumbles out holding his chest.

Elder Blood Witcher

Elder Blood Witcher

Video Games · Niggross

Replied to Haise_Sasaki1

just googled it. A condition which is the consequence of a previous disease or injury

"How did she become like this? Shinobu's body is already a bit overdrawn. If it wasn't for the timely treatment, I'm afraid there would be sequelae. Although I know that these are all requested by her, you still have to pay attention to the method. If it comes to worse, I'm afraid Kanae won't forgive you for any wounds you left behind."

Danmachi: I have a Simulator!

Danmachi: I have a Simulator!

Anime & Comics · Novelette_Seeker


he should've destroyed his magical abilities, rendering him a sad muggled old man. and forced him clean every bank. after he dies, his soul would still forever clean the banks.

"That's probably how most of my enemies feel before they die…" With a nonchalant shrug, Peter swiped his hand once more, severing Albus's head from his body in the same manner as his friend. The gruesome spectacle unfolded, blood spraying as Albus's lifeless form crumpled to the ground.

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Movies · AlienWarlord



A/N: 1782 words :) They're leaving to a new universe in the next chapter! Also, I'll be writing 4 chapters again today in order to restock on patréon. Also(x2), handover those stones 🔫🔪🔱… or else 😠

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Movies · AlienWarlord



First idea: (RWBY) (Insert a protagonist name here - Probably Crimson or Red).

Streamer in the Omniverse

Streamer in the Omniverse

Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori

Replied to Calleum_Artori

just making a theory


"I won't refuse your thanks, Tanjuro." I said, putting my hand on the man's shoulder. "But don't bow..." I wasn't a king, I wasn't a god.

Streamer in the Omniverse

Streamer in the Omniverse

Anime & Comics · Calleum_Artori

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