Flowing_River_Core - Profile



LV 5
2020-04-14 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 6

Moments 370


Now I am confused with ah man’s age isn’t he 14 right now?

"Damn, two years ago this kid would only be a decade old, how dare he run to the Star Dou Great Forest alone to collect herbs, still a thousand-year-old Spirit Beast area, this is truly not wanting to live choice."

I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat


Ah Man is 12 years old right now fyi If anyone ever clicks on this comment

Lin Manshan had spent two years in the Spirit Scholar stage to cultivate from level 3 to level 10, and the more advanced a Spirit Master cultivated, the more difficult it was to raise their strength. With Lin Manshan's qualifications, now that 4 years have passed, it's likely that he'll only be at the level of a Beginner Spirit Grand Master. On the other hand, Xiao Wu is on the same level as him, her spirit power has already reached level 29, and in terms of hard power, she is far more than Lin Manshan, so how is it possible to lose?

I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

Book&Literature · Crazy_DarkSide_Cat


Alley? Aren’t they in a forest in a cave?

The arrival of this child actually gave Feng Qian a bad premonition. Covered by this uneasy feeling, he then decided to check the alley area where the child came out.

Soul Land: Surviving As A Spirit Beast In Douluo Dalu

Soul Land: Surviving As A Spirit Beast In Douluo Dalu

Anime & Comics · FantasyLovers


‘Violet mist’

Yu Long's [Art of Purple Violet] also has one, which has the extreme effect of controlling Yang Energy in an absolute manner. He could bend and shape Yang Energy to his will, creating fire and combusting one's body like fuel.

Kaiju Maker in Another World

Kaiju Maker in Another World

Anime & Comics · Nine_Clouds


Perception not sweat

[ void boxing style ] A boxing style that was derived from a person who was alone for a long time and later was upgraded by a professional instructor called K . because of boredom the user started to count his heart beats for a long while until his precipitation of the world slowed down and that made him utilize his muscles near perfection .

Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

Anime & Comics · The_Zen_Boy



"Duh, we're soooooo annoying I bet any god or random omniversal being who watches us...or reads us is very weirded out" "Eh who cares, if we're just pawns on a chessboard of entertainment

Reincarnated Into Another World With... Myself?!

Reincarnated Into Another World With... Myself?!

Fantasy · UWinzumULosezum



"Duh, we're sooooo annoying I bet any god or random omniversal being who watches us...or reads us are very weirded out" "Eh who cares if we're just pawns on a chessboard of entertainment"

Reincarnated Into Another World With... Myself?!

Reincarnated Into Another World With... Myself?!

Fantasy · UWinzumULosezum


Here’s the repeat

The two of them looked at a wall with blank faces...before they cackled together "There's a high possibility we're being watched or some sort of entertainment" "Most definitely brother, I mean-" she gestured at the two of them with her hand

Reincarnated Into Another World With... Myself?!

Reincarnated Into Another World With... Myself?!

Fantasy · UWinzumULosezum


You repeat these paragraphs

The two of them looked at a wall with blank faces...before they cackled together "There's a high possibility we're being watched or some sort of entertainment" "Most definitely brother, I mean-" she gestured at the two of them with her hand

Reincarnated Into Another World With... Myself?!

Reincarnated Into Another World With... Myself?!

Fantasy · UWinzumULosezum



Yuuki paused for a moment as he was about to put a piece of meat into her mouth.

Mortal Thrill Seeker

Mortal Thrill Seeker

Anime & Comics · ChesterCure


Whirlwind Byakko

Shikoku was certainly surprised upon witnessing the new arrival to easily defeat the shuuki that she had brought out. Yuuki ripped them to shreds using his [ Whirlpool Iron Cutting Fist ] while his summoned beast [ Byakka: White Tiger of the West ].

Mortal Thrill Seeker

Mortal Thrill Seeker

Anime & Comics · ChesterCure


His name is Daniel or yuuki not Alex

'Open system' he thought to himself. The same screen he recalled from five years ago popped up in front of him, except it now showed that he had three deliveries in his inbox. Before Alex could open them though, the image of an angelic woman popped up in his system. He pondered why everything seemed similar to that story he had read a long time ago.

Mortal Thrill Seeker

Mortal Thrill Seeker

Anime & Comics · ChesterCure


Ah the slippery slope of ‘greater good’

I wasn't scared of killing. I deemed killing as a necessity to get rid of evil to protect greater good. If I don't set an example by killing them, the criminals would easily get released from Jail since it was a corrupted society. They would do the same thing again knowing that I don't have the balls to kill them.

Marvel: The Death Surgeon

Marvel: The Death Surgeon

Movies · Charizard6


Really? Jungle near a city?

'Right now, they should have considered be dead, but just to be sure, I need to hide from their eyes.' Right after he said that, his eyes came upon the jungle that he stumbled on.

MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Movies · SlimeSage


And like that you lost me

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