"Toya Setsuno, I want to play a game." The man jolted awake, sweat dripping down his face as his name was abruptly called. His eyes were bloodshot, as he looked around the dimly lit and dusty room, confused about where he was and how he got there.
Anime & Comics · Delusion10
still alive?
Thanks for writing again
let me try hello I have been trying to call 🤙 and see if I can get it to you in a bit I don't want it was on it 😭😭😭 I don't have a number for the Bright color for me to be a surprise for you any day you are you picking up the house for me and I will be there around the same time for you to get it to me and I can get it to you in the morning if you want to come over and get it to you in the morning if you want to come over and get it will I get it will be there around the end 🔚 and then I will be alright and I will have to do it was on the same time
Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
Fantasy · Junior_Sundar
Thanks for the chapter
I'm feeling confused I like that three idiots got destroyed but Hinata
Thanks for the chapter
Jack is back
Thanks for the chapter
Toya setsuno
"Toya Setsuno, I want to play a game." The man jolted awake, sweat dripping down his face as his name was abruptly called. His eyes were bloodshot, as he looked around the dimly lit and dusty room, confused about where he was and how he got there.
MHA: Jigsaw Reborn
Anime & Comics · Delusion10