

LV 14
2020-04-05 Beigetreten Global
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Moments 43
1 months ago

bro make the story don't write 5 words and leave it there's no point in making this story if all your gonna do is put 5 words come on the naming already shows me what the story is based on and it's a good idea so just make the story at the very least 15 chapters if you need help on how to get skill ideas just go online and pick something random or get a random skill generator and use that if you need ideas but please do not name a story with good potential and just put 5 words 😑

2 months ago


"Insulting… this goddess twice…. Is unforgivable… If I had my way I would send you to a world filled with nothing but ferocious creatures who love to eat rude and disgusting mortals."

Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Anime & Comics · CaptainBoyHole

2 months ago

My thoughts in one sentence: More this story needs more chapters 🔥🔥

2 months ago

I absolutely love this story please don't stop making more cus this gives a adrenaline junkie with a vivid imagination a run for there money 🔥🔥

4 months ago


I summoned all manner of weaponry from my inventory that ranged from swords, maces, war hammers, spears, and even a few axes before using [Puppetry] to place them under my control. I had them float in the air just behind me while I had shields circle around me protectively.

HP: A Sociopath Gamer In Magic World

HP: A Sociopath Gamer In Magic World

Book&Literature · Kitamari

5 months ago

he would have had 930 stat points if you do that math for 10 months 31 days each unless there were months with 30 or 29 days but it ses 870 so he's used at least 60 stat points in those 10 months

Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
6 months ago

why not thunder conductivity instead it's more efficient if it's resistant there's no increase in power it just doesn't damage the sword while lightning conductivity enhances your lightning weapon spell and doesn't damage it because it flows freely within the sword rather than pushing away lightning it flows with it so its better

After breakfast, Hestia went to the center of the favela, Bell and Lili to the dungeon, and I went to buy a new katana because mine started to crack when I picked it up in the morning. I have to change it every 3 days because the thunder spell ruins the metal along with its usage, which I do by cutting monsters. In the future, I should look for a specialized blacksmith to make one that's resistant with thunder immunity.

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!

Danmachi - Infinite Mana System!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

7 months ago

🎂 Happy Birthday 🎂

Today is my birthday and here is a CHAPTER!

Danmachi With A System

Danmachi With A System

Anime & Comics · DEADLYSHADOW

7 months ago

love the story if you make more I'll put all my stones here daily already adding all 3 right now

7 months ago
Replied to Dark_PersonJJ

well then I have an idea if the author reads the comments how about making the party system for only Uzumaki clan and only the young from other villages are chosen for the party system and whenever they become apart of the party there loyalty to naruto or relationship status depending on how high it is they gain the Uzumaki bloodline at certain percentages and if they betray or there loyalty drops then the Uzumaki bloodline lowers or or is completely stripped and all the skills and stat points and titles all get given to the player and there own bloodline abilities are taken away as compensation, just an idea but why not lol

  • Story ideas by davious original

    Story ideas by davious

    Anime & Comics SYSTEM

    this is where I'll post my brain farts for stories that I'd like to see written if possible as I think if they have a good writer it could have some good potential I would write them myself but I'm not a very good writer by any means but I'm a book worm and read stories like I'm eating candy so if you like the ideas I only ask one thing don't make the story and then quit at 15 chapters try to at the very least get it to 50 before you drop the story and if you could make it to 100 you are my bestfriend so happy writing and reading

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