😂😂😂 a lvl 999 in the starter area
Work with this guy? Wasn't that like asking for death?!
Games · SJean_Lee
"I... request a ceasefire!"
Games · SJean_Lee
The trolling is epic , damage is 2x
"You... you're not even beautiful!" Naoko, despite her poise, was at a loss for words. She could only blush and lose her composure, raising her staff to cast a Holy Light spell, sending Lauren flying.
Games · SJean_Lee
😂😂😂 fastest way to a promotion
Bradley: "Orson's steel pipe dance shop has a VIP membership, you know the drill!"
Games · SJean_Lee
😂😂😂 the glare and gait of a psycho
"You have intimidated the masses with your overwhelming force. You have temporarily gained command over the Purple Thunder Fortress' top experts."
Games · SJean_Lee
😂😂😂 hope he gets paid well
Orson chuckled. "I was wondering who would volunteer as bait. Guess you've got this covered."
Games · SJean_Lee
ShatteredCrown snickered, "So, left hand or right hand?"
Games · SJean_Lee
wtf, I’d be hating too
Empress, tall and graceful, effortlessly grabbed ShatteredCrown by the waist. He looked like he was enjoying himself, inhaling the charming scent of Empress' body.
Games · SJean_Lee
Orsix turned red in the face and quickly stuffed Berenice back into his pants pocket.
Games · SJean_Lee
Why does he cry like a bitch when he’s losing?
Barenkas screamed in desperation, hoping for the assistance of two powerful figures—The Flame Dragon's Nest Lord and his Queen.
Infinite Range: The Sniper Mage
Games · SJean_Lee