Unfortunately, this just happens to be one of them. (Not the actual 616, just my version of 616)
If I was Tut I would just fuck Jean in front of Scott while he watches, though that's just me 🤷🏾♀️
Movies · Ozonelayer
Yeah, borderline mind control.
"Good, now follow me, my Famine." Said the man as he outstretched his hand toward Storm, who, after some hesitation, took it.
Movies · Ozonelayer
Idk, I can’t remember what I was thinking when I wrote it.
"That's all thanks to my friend, Jean. After my little battle in Manhattan, my identity would've been exposed quite quickly, so I asked Jean to lock every single memory of Pharaoh Kent in their minds, and in order to unlock it, I must do what I just did: introduce myself while wearing my suit. She did this for everyone in the world, and for the past hour or so, I've been flying around, reintroducing myself to a few people and whatnot." Remarked Pharaoh with a faint smile as he glanced between the four while playfully tickling Hana, only for her to lightly smack his hand away, causing him to pout while she rolled her eyes and ignored him.
Movies · Ozonelayer
It’s possible but Hydra is unlikely to take such a dangerous risk unless they’re backed into a cornee by him.
"It's a special missile made from extracting energy from an object called the Tesseract; I don't know exactly how powerful it is, but Fury said it'll completely flatten Manhattan—killing the tens of thousands of civilians present." Remarked Pharaoh as he looked at Carol and Stark, though the former seemed quite pissed.
Movies · Ozonelayer
I mean, i haven’t but there is a good yet bad reason why sex is metioned so much.
"Well, what do you want me to say? I've lied to you before, but I don't wish to lie to you about something so serious; it seems shallow. Besides, I'm definitely not dying until I get a taste of your ass again; I'm utterly starving." Remarked Pharaoh with a raised eyebrow before shaking his head and leaning forward, quietly whispering the last part into her ear; unfortunately for Sara, the five trained Shield agents heard everything, though luckily, they at least had the decency to act like they heard nothing.
Movies · Ozonelayer
"I'm going to drill it into her skull whenever I face-fuck her." Said Pharaoh with a slightly wicked grin as he lustfully licked his lips before shaking his head and lowering himself to the ground.
Movies · Ozonelayer
Lol, true.
Just as I was about to move, I saw micro and radio waves heading toward me, intending to do a sweep over the place, so I quickly flew to the ground so even though they would detect me, they'd merely think I was one of their people, though I couldn't stay like this for long, I was still wearing my farming clothes. Hiding behind a tent, which was decently isolated from sight, I looked around the place, trying to find a place where I could get a pair of clothes that didn't make me stand out so much. I did happen to find a locker room, though there were barely any clothes, and the ones there were far too small; I couldn't even make a reasonable excuse if I happened to get caught as they were that small. Eventually, I did find a pair that would fit me, but unfortunately, someone was currently wearing them; fortunately, though, he was taking a shit by himself.
Movies · Ozonelayer
Dawg, Tut only has the potential, he hasn’t unlocked his full potential yet.
"Haa, alright, talk to your brother, and please get him to send that thing home; I can't damage it at all." Said Tut with a sigh as he glanced at Thor, who was already approaching the Destroyer.
Movies · Ozonelayer
There is always something in the comics
If I was Tut I would just fuck Jean in front of Scott while he watches, though that's just me 🤷🏾♀️
Marvel's Black Steel
Movies · Ozonelayer