Iwasaki Toshiro is a studious third-year high school student at one of Japan’s elite public schools. His parents have recently passed away in a tragic accident, devastating Toshiro’s family. After the funeral, he received a statement about their will: everything goes to Toshiro, including legal guardianship of his two younger sisters, Natsuko (12) and Yuki (8).
There’s just one problem; aside from his grades and talents in school, Toshiro has virtually zero domestic skills! Last time he tried to cook he nearly burned the place down! But with the family’s finances slowly dwindling from eating out and convenience store food, he’s going to have to face the tough learning curve of being a legal guardian.
His part-time job now their only source of income, Toshiro will have to learn the trade of domestic life, working life, all while being a full-time student!
This is a story about family life, the bond of friendships, and how one’s dreams can change over time.