I cast a quiet glance at my skin.
Anime & Comics · Bleap
Actions had consequences but killing these gutter rats was more trouble than it was worth. Sure, I had no qualms and all the justification but we lived in a modern society. My wholly justified actions would have me bent over the table by Johnny Law faster than I could say, "Don't fuck me in the ass."
Anime & Comics · Bleap
"Aight, if that's how you wanna be." Nicholas clenched his fist, the command seals on the back of his palm glowing faintly, "Pikach- er... Altera, I choose you!"
Anime & Comics · Bleap
He grabbed Francis by the jaw before she could pull the trigger and choke slammed her onto the deck, knocking the wind out of the woman's lungs, "You stay put there for a bit."
Anime & Comics · Bleap
She still didn't know who the lean, green-haired Archer was.
Anime & Comics · Bleap
Eric blood axe
He was referring to Eric Bloodaxe... who got torn into by Salter with Excalibur Morgan, skewered by Camilla with spikes made of blood and then subjected to shattering mental torture when she told Elizabeth to sing to him... All because he rushed at them when Salter was eating and Carmilla was trying to discreetly murder Elizabeth.
Anime & Comics · Bleap
It didn't matter that she had to babysit Elizabeth Bathory, Salter AND Carmilla.
Anime & Comics · Bleap
It didn't matter that she had to babysit Elizabeth Bathory, Salter AND Carmilla.
Anime & Comics · Bleap
Elizabeth bathory
It didn't matter that she had to babysit Elizabeth Bathory, Salter AND Carmilla.
Anime & Comics · Bleap
Ive seen enough, i want more
I hope you're sufficiently entertained.
Anime & Comics · Bleap