absorbing* observing
Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
bro, sniper scope lens alpha fearrow, this tangela is toast
Everyone was confused as to why Ash immediately switched out instead of taking the opportunity to Attack but before anyone could think anything of it Ash threw out the next one, Fearow, who had a Scope Lens over one of his eyes.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
This is what I imagine Extreme Speed Arcanine would look like in real battle scenarios 10 years ago, you blink and miss it.
"I am simply called 'The Gentleman', and you all need to respect your elders," Arcanine reappeared by his side and all the Pokemon fell.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
So Dragonborn is auto-terra to Dragon without terra-ing.
[Dragonborn - gain Dragon STAB, can learn any Dragon-type move.]
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
so Dragonborn is kinda auto-terra to Dragon type without terra-ing
Charizard smiled as his fire also started flickering red and blue, he started charging fire from his gut, then as he released it, "Fire Dragon's Roar! (Flamethrower + Dragon Breath)" A heavily compressed red fire came out that shot at Incineroar.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
bro this guy gonna sweep, No Guard+Guts
[Ability: No Guard/Guts Hidden ability:???]
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
I read pokemon manga, nothing can stop me.
Once again I am sorry for those of you who are leaving I salute you and wish you good fortune for whatever story you find next.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
onyx is one of the few pokemon with very low base atk stat, but absurdy high def stat.
"Return," Brock said as he returned the Rhyhorn, "Impressive, not many people can get this far, much less on their first try but I still have one final Pokemon. GO Onix!" Brock yelled out as he sent out a large rock snake.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
Electric only weakness is Ground, nothing else, this is the reason Eelektross is scary in 1v1
The Oddish saw that his friend was captured so he wanted to attack, starting by using Growth, then Absorb, meanwhile, the Bellsprout was barely standing and paralyzed but it still tried a vine whip. Pikachu easily dodged the Vine whip but was hit with a weak Absorb, it didn't do much despite it being super effective.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
from durarara
As Dario ran at Ash the only thing he saw was a fist going to his face before he was swept to the ground. Yep, Ash punched him in the face and probably broke his nose.
Pokemon: Radical Redux
Anime & Comics · Katsu39