thanks for the chap. it's kinda bullshit we need 3 chapters to finish a 5 minute conversation
what about the few times he breathed fire?
Without a breath attack, a dragon was just a giant lizard with wings.
Anime & Comics · ReadingDangerously
coming back to this and..... she is a straight up boss fight
"Futile," the decapitated head said. It stared at Diana, face impassive even as it floated away. "I have supplanted Queen Marika the Eternal. My Lord bequeathed me the Elden Ring on the day we were wed. His consorts have released the shackles of my soul. No matter how many of my dolls you destroy, you shall all fall before our combined might."
Anime & Comics · ReadingDangerously
tf is the emprah doing here
"False Longinus—Balance Breaker!"
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
(Once we return to Chaldea, I'll devour you whole.)
Anime & Comics · TypicalFicEnjoyer6
was looking forward to this but I'm not disappointed
"False Longinus—Balance Breaker!"
Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne
love how it went from " they don't know where we are" to " oh shit! they know where we are". not to mention that orbital strike shit is heinous
so after tge next singularity all he has left to resolve is the stuff in the progenitor world (love and otherwise), the stuff in the knight workd( same), love stuff in the sky wizard world, and most importantly the stuff with the machine doll world and the trinity raven world. not to mention tying a nice bow on his official/unofficial harem
why does he only summon dragons? there are other magical beasts on par or even just a little lesser than dragons. not to mention with his mana being what it is. he should be capable of summoning divine beasts
[AN: Black Alice isn't slated to be in the harem. I have her pegged as a sort of spunky, sarcastic, and rebellious teenage daughter role. Think Negasonic Teenage Warhead from X-Men lol]
Gotham's Dead End Bar
Anime & Comics · Daddy