The power to summon characters can be very useful, to show these mortals what a true spirit is, summon the one who in your hands has the strongest support jot DIO!!!!!! (I don't speak English this is translated by google translator sorry for mistakes)
D... D... DIOO!!!!
Jamian of Raven, Dante of Cerberus, Chapel of Auriga, Arachne, Dio of Fly, Algethi of Hercules, Sirius of Big Dog, various and sundry irritants that kept popping up like cockroaches.
Anime & Comics · Tyller_Yang
quirks and for boys, men use fists (google translator, i don't speak english, sorry)
The Katana. I know it is incredibly dumb to go against people with superior weaponry but I also don't plan to brute my way through situations. I plan on being like a ghost. A phantom appearing and destroying my targets before they even get an inkling I was there at all. It would not only instill fear in those I hunt but also gather a reputation as someone unnoticeable till it's too late.
Anime & Comics · EternalStud
Anime & Comics · BravoBuds
entendo sua dor irmão sou horrivel em ingles quase morro pra ler as fanfic daqui
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fists with sound I can only think of this man
2 levels = unite sound with feet and hands, even higher speed and this time create a non-stop sound blade that vibrates instead of hands, extremely, the blade deals vibration damage which increases enemy bleeding
Anime & Comics · Marcelinho_Ggazeli
Did you say my little pony? interesting
my reincarnation
Anime & Comics · Jesse_Assoumou
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Anime & Comics · Mohammed_Jawad
Amongus? SUS
Foongus can barely stand upright when a bright light comes out of it and evolves. Amoonguss full of energy launches a solar beam that hits Koffing directly and knocks him out.
Anime & Comics · alesjandritos
it reminds me of someone
(Aemilios turned 20 this year, throughout his life, he has fought, kill, and got disowned from his family. As a monster, what his mother called him, he wasn't to step on their house anymore. Seeing no point in staying in the Dominican Republic anymore, he migrated to the US, where later he was allowed into the army, there, in the short span of two years, he earned the respect he knew he deserved. He showed all the superiority of his genes. He didn't know how, the doctor's didn't know how, but his body was way to firm. He never trained, yet his body was unshakable. When stabbed, the knife broke, when shot, the bullets bounce, nobody could explain how his body worked, it was out of this world. His tan defined body was full of power, yet he was as agile as a cat. His physiology made no sense, it was as if he wasn't human,a monster in human skin, he couldn't agree more with his mother on that perspective; he indeed was superior, an apex predator. Humans' couldn't become without their guns and intelligence. That's what he was. A nickname that brought fear to his enemies, hope to his allies, and wariness to every other country out there,The Evolved. Earth most dangerous creature).
Twilight: New era
TV · Angel3002