Isn't the Empire State building where Percy Jackson went to meet the gods of Olympus?
Lex was about to continue asking more questions, but the car came to an abrupt stop. Jessica exited and signaled Lex to follow. Much to his surprise, they were at the Empire State Building. As soon as they entered, a team of security guards surrounded Lex and escorted him to a private section of the building, where they entered an elevator. The thing that caught him off guard was that the list of floors started from 1st and then went directly to the basement, with there being 44 levels of basements.
Fantasy · lifesketcher
omg, there are so many stories of Gods "leaving" things place just to cause mischief
"Pity, I forgot a necklace at Hozath last time I was there. I was hoping to go and retrieve it. Regardless, show me what amenities you offer. I am quite interested in this place. Father has grounded me on Earth for far too long."
Fantasy · lifesketcher
What do yall think his name will be: 1. Sebastian 2. Sebas 3. Seb 4. generic white name, like David
Next, he pulled out his 2 AI lease certificate and crushed it. The certificate started to glow and split in 2, slowly turning into 2 figures, an old but lean man and a young woman who looked slightly younger than Lex. The old man had grey hair and a thick, grey moustache and was dressed in a suit. The woman had her hair tied in a bun and was similarly suited up.
Fantasy · lifesketcher
It didn't say there's a restriction about leaving the Inn so is there's permanent?
A small device that analyzes language based on various factors. It can be attached onto the host as a tattoo behind an ear and can translate to and for host in real time. The host will hear everything in English and others will hear the host in their native language.
Fantasy · lifesketcher
"What!?" Lex yelled in alarm and fell backwards. He stared at the tiny floating woman in shock. The appearance of a tiny floating woman had given him quite the jump scare.
Fantasy · lifesketcher
It's been a while since I read this...I had forgotten how childish Mark is
"You don't have to be that reluctant." Mark suddenly spoke. "Even if you continue pointing that gun at me, it doesn't mean that you will be able to do anything if I tried to do something."
Sci-fi · Exallion
You think children are going to survive the apocalypse? They are usually the first to go
Zou Yue watched them with a weird look on his face. 'What was that? Were they flirting? No way right?' he peered at Tian's ears. They were, in fact, red. 'My sister just called her name sweetly. So many weird things are happening,'
LGBT+ · Lullabybao
It's really nasty when you date your siblings ex
"Especially now that Will and I are dating. He is part of my immediate family now," Reece takes Will's hand and I spit out the drink in my mouth.
LGBT+ · KairalKateri
"I thought I was always careful." She said carefully and Kellen sighed. He subtly adjusted himself against the Captain without a thought. He'd had his hand on the Captain's chest, but changed his hand position, raising it and splaying his fingers until they basically cupped the Captain's pec. The Captain for his part, said nothing, and behaved as if this was completely normal behavior for Kellen. Casper and Gunther, however, shared a look.
LGBT+ · CalyB
Kind of a rude thing to do in front of a being that you perceive to be stronger than you 👀
"So, the test is like a job interview?" Marlo suddenly cut in between Lex's speech. "And if I pass, I join the Inn as an employee?"
The Innkeeper
Fantasy · lifesketcher