Man, legitimate tears with some of the sad parts, well done. Recommend for anyone, give it a shot! more chapters please 🙏
Great start so far, looking forward to more! Writing quality is great, and the chapters aren't stupidly short or anything. The dialog we've seen doesn't feel stilted or awkward, or something just copied from chatgpt. Good potential, giving 5 stars, hoping for more chapters!
It's worth a read for sure! MC can be a bit cringy or quirky at times, but I've enjoyed everything so far. I had noticed the story when it hadn't been translated yet and was interested as I'ma sucker for a good Danmachi fic, so thank you for putting this out in English! Fairly quick turn around on the releases, and I'm enjoying the fact that the MC isn't an ass kisser and immediately trying to buddy up to the top Familia like you see in many fics. Keep up the good work!
Well written dialog that doesn't feel stilted or awkward, nice progression that doesn't feel like the MC is bulldozing through the story, and decent chapter lengths! Looking forward to the progression of the story, keep up the good work! Well worth a read, would recommend!
One of the better Danmachi fics I've read for sure. I was a bit on the fence the first couple chapters, but then it really hits its stride. I like that we get the time to see his relationships develop and grow, and that we didn't find ourselves at chapter 30 where the MC is already like lvl 4 or 5 and little left to do in the story.
I enjoyed the series, so a good comparison from my perspective haha. Witty and sarcastic MC in what amounts to a isekai into a video game. Your MC just gave off a similar feel to that one in terms of personality and irreverence IMO.
I'm enjoying the story so far. The vibes I get from the character interactions feel like they are similar to an author from Kindle, William D. Arand and his Otherlife stories. I look forward to how this story progresses!
Love the humor and comedy aspect of the writing, and it doesn't come across stilted or awkward in the dialogue in my opinion. Contrasted with some of the darker aspects like dealing with death and loss, makes for an overall great story so far. Keep up the great work!
here you go, you dropped this 👑
genuinely made me crack up here
"Hhhrk—!" He glanced to the side to see the cat guy gagging over the sink like he was trying to spit out a hairball. "Don't do that shit in public, man," the cat guy said, looking away as Rex still had his fingers in his eyes. "Have some fucking decency."
Danmachi: Scavenger
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