

male LV 15


2020-01-15 Beigetreten Canada
Abzeichen 14

Moments 13
1 years ago

hard to follow, due to grammar errors, jumbled sentences, probably be better if it was edited more, for better flow. but just couldn't get past ch. 4 because it was just to confusing.

2 years ago

chapters are way to short, even with the unless re-caps, and run on sentences that feel like they are put in just to extend the content. Author needs to trim these down loose the recaps, and put more appropriate content and thought into the chapters. the stories isn't completely trash the potential plot line if he takes his time and improve he writing could make it a pretty good read. but I am dropping this one.

2 years ago

The premise for the story is interesting, so started reading it. unfortunately it's very difficult to follow, due to poor grammar with a bit more editing to correct this, I could see it being a very good read. Also another issue I had was using up several chapter for the MC to examine his stat bar and its functions. So I am bringing it for now hopefully the Auther re-edits the story so it is less confusing, or possibly gets someone to edit for them if possible. Best of luck and Keep at ti.

3 years ago

Grammer's a little rough, but tolerable. main character is written well in my opinion. starts a bit rough, but gets better, a few thing could be explained better, such as the stat box (starts with no mention of it, then it magically appears with no explanation on how he got it). but all in all a good read if you stick it out. Great job, look forward to the next chapters. [img=update]

Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
3 years ago

I believe when you say 'which', you actually me 'wish'.

After a moment of thought Yunan gave his insights " there should be at least one sent by the academy director for monitoring Debauchery; an unstable risk factor; there will also be one sent by the sun emperor to keep an eye on his daughter and future of the kitsune family, not out of distrust but because shit happens no matter how prepared you are. Then there are the rest, they can be divided into two groups, first is the enemies, those who which to harm both us and Debauchery are included into this. Second is those who which to sell what Debauchery is teaching, these are easily dealt with, a slap on the wrist and by selling our own official Debauchery training program. As for those that which us harm Debauchery must act on the announcement they made last week, any who seek to disrupt the mission will pay, there should be an item they use to record our actions, we can use said device to record their confessions, send it to the guild as an explanation to the destruction of those who neglected the warning. The prisoner's lives depend on them, if they confess and their statements can be verified by memory magic they will be sent to the guild to deal with, those who keep lying even when we will check their memories, they can be tortured to give the correct statements, then if they desire death give it to them otherwise send them broken beyond repair to the guild."

Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Fantasy · yassertlm

3 years ago

Read all the free chp., honestly not a bad read but the grammar and spelling take way from the story. Then you only get 30 chapter free, with the quality of writing I can't see myself investing coins to keep reading. My best to the Author, and I hope you don't drop it for those who are invested.

3 years ago

Thoroughly enjoy this story, can't wait for more chapter. keep up the great work, and keep updating. [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

3 years ago

pretty good read, grammars is good a few mistakes here and there but over all I like it. look forward to more chapter, keep up the good work.

3 years ago

the crow are the best.