I'm currently updating this novel on Joyread. Due to the non-exclusive contract rules, I'll have to stop updating here. However if you'll like to read more on interstellar rich business woman, then you can find it on the app. The female lead name has been changed to Sylvia. While Xue Haoran is currently called Asher. Thanks so much for reading my novel.
Hello everyone. There might be some misspelling words or some words that were omitted in some sentence. That's all because my brain overlook them while I was editing. I'll try to edit them again. You can also point out some mistakes which would make it easier for me to spot them. Also thanks to the reader who are reading my novel everyday. This novel is currently ongoing, meaning that I've no stockpile with me. Hence, there'll no mass update since I'm currently writing each chapters daily.
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Hello. I saw your review. I'll continue to update the novel although not constantly because I'm not planning on signing a contract. I'll try to updating more because of your review. Also thanks for liking my novel.
Hello everyone. I'm the author of Interstellar Rich Business-woman. If there's anything you want to ask about this book, you can relay your question under this post . The thing is, I'll have to stop updating this book here once it reaches 100 chapters. However, if you want to continue reading the advanced chapters, you can read it on Inkitt, Joyread/Bravonovel. I'll be sharing the link below. INKITT LINK: https://www.inkitt.com/stories/romance/1336246 JOYREAD LINK: https://www.joyread.com/6956-Interstellar-Rich-Business-woman BRAVONOVEL LINK: https://www.bravonovel.com/interstellar-rich-business-woman-14424 I say a big thank you to those who have been reading this novel till now.
Sci-fi · krisnightfall21