_Smokey - Profile



male LV 14

Back to the drawing board I guess

2020-01-05 Beigetreten United States

Abzeichen 10

Moments 400



Nasty blow, prob had a bad hemorrhage

The hit had knocked him unconscious, as the next thing he remembered was waking up back in his cupboard with a blinding headache. He was just glad it was late at night as the rest of the house was quiet. He couldn't see any lights on, filtering through the gaps in the door. But, since that night, he'd had the headaches.

The Anger

The Anger

Movies · Nesto_


God I hope not lol

With another sigh of acceptance, she gave a nod and looked away. More and more it was becoming apparent her best friend, Harry, would be moving in wizarding social circles she, as a simple muggleborn, would not be able to join. That then had her thinking how Lily Potter, another famous muggleborn and the mother of her best friend, actually did move in those circles. And that was because she had married the Head of one of those ancient families. Which then led her to a subject she had spent only a little time upon before: Was her future to be the next, as she'd once thought, Missus Potter; and now knew to be Lady Potter?

Harry Potter: The Witty Wizard

Harry Potter: The Witty Wizard

Movies · Miguelho


Well that’s not a dumb name ha! Big shoes to fill but dang

"Rise Ser Aegon Targaryen, a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Vale."

The Bloody Prince: HOTD SI

The Bloody Prince: HOTD SI

TV · Drkest


Dang, must’ve been named somethin really dumb haha

And so, the Blood Wyrm shall take to the skies once more and head to Kingslanding, where, despite many pleas and punishments, he would refuse to return to the lands of his wife.

The Bloody Prince: HOTD SI

The Bloody Prince: HOTD SI

TV · Drkest


Turban Tom XD

Dumbledore would act all serene, as if a couple of first years returning to school was not something a man of his importance needed to concern himself with. They were also pretty sure 'turban Tom' was going to sit back and allow them to do as much damage as they could, it was all good in his book. The doppelganger though was unaware that the Potters had already read the book and were changing its ending. The chances of Snape being serene or sitting back were so low you would need an electron microscope to catch a glimpse of them, the Potters weren't wrong about any of the trio.

Harry Potter: Redemption in Time

Harry Potter: Redemption in Time

Movies · Earthly_Writer


Well, I mean the name is Ode to nothingness haha

I started this fic after I stopped writing Ode to Nothingness. I really liked that fic but I realized as I wrote more and more that I wasn't telling a story with that fic. It felt like I was just trying to create a cool character that had no motivations for what he was doing other than the fact that he was trying to gain power. It felt like I was writing something without any stakes or goals.

HP: A Tale Of Two Brothers

HP: A Tale Of Two Brothers

Book&Literature · dukeofvirtue


I could just be stupid, but I think you’re the first one I’ve seen to make that connection. My mind = blown

Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.

Pot vs Kettle on the morality scale haha

"My whoremongering brother who calls himself king is in King's Landing, while my other brother Aemond is in the Stormlands, and my remaining siblings are in Oldtown," she said.

The Silent Fury(Asoiaf SI)

The Silent Fury(Asoiaf SI)

Book&Literature · Last_Quincy

Replied to The_man_The_myth

I played the hogwarts game and and thought, oh this is the same dude. Old man, trimmed beard. Same whimsical attitude

'Ah, Miss Black, it is a delight to see you,' he said, bowing. 'Walnut, 12 inches, dragon heartstring, as I recall. Quite rigid.' He turned to Sirius. 'Mr Black, what a surprise. I suppose you'll be wanting a new wand?'

Harry Potter The New Lord Black

Harry Potter The New Lord Black

Book&Literature · Nebula_Scribe



"I'm afraid Arianne's taken ill, she asked to be excused for tonight's feast," Rhaenys explained. "Now, pair up. We're late as it is."

Frozen Flames: The Saga of the Ice Dragon

Frozen Flames: The Saga of the Ice Dragon

Book&Literature · Halyx_Stark


Playin with my emotions gosh dang

"A dream?" Barristan muttered. It couldn't have been. It was too real. I was there. I watched him die. "And the Prince?"

Daeron the Defiant: A Second Dance of Dragons

Daeron the Defiant: A Second Dance of Dragons

Book&Literature · AlexanderBlackfyre


Introduce an invasive species to small habitat….whatever could go wrong haha

The boy fell silent as Minerva continued on her way until the two of them had exited the castle and reached the edge of the forbidden forest.

Harry Potter and the Serpent

Harry Potter and the Serpent

Book&Literature · Tyler_Karp


Why the heck I make an appointment then

At his name being told, the Goblin finally looked up at Harry. He eyed the boy for a second, his eyes going to the lightning bolt scar on his forehead. The Goblin grunted. "Ragnok is currently busy. He will see you when he has the time. Please wait over there and he will be with you momentarily."

Harry Potter: Magical Memories

Harry Potter: Magical Memories

Movies · Miguelho


Dang, hit and run DUI

"She passed away," Hagrid's spirits were low. "She left a letter explaining several things I didn't fully understand, something about being a Sleigh Beggy and a blood heritage. To be honest, even to this day, I still don't grasp most of it. And after reading the letter, it burst into flames and disappeared."

The Hagrid's son

The Hagrid's son

Book&Literature · Cadenadeaventuras

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