Imagine if Malfoys actually considered him weird because they think he likes to punish himself for any imagined offense, and that Mr Malfoy kicks Dobby around thinking he is rewarding Dobby for some task well done.
"Dobby doubts it, sir. Dobby is always having to punish himself for something, sir. They lets Dobby get on with it, sir. Sometimes they reminds me to do extra punishments. . . ."
The unnamed classmates get beta access but not your sister? #JusticeForEmily
Ben laughed. "Not yet, but soon."
Movies · AutumnXd
Yo.. this feels AI written suddenly.
Tyr's first instinct was to take action, but he knew he couldn't. Striker's operations were too vast, too dangerous for him to tackle alone.
Movies · Evandar
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"Everyone calm down, don't panic!" Jean DeWolff shouted to the officers.
Anime & Comics · Lust_Demon_Samael
The last part of his body to disappear is his hand. He is giving me a thumbs up and I heard a finale whisper linger in the air. "Nuff said," engraving this moment deep with in my begin. I made my way to the gathered crowd of people.
Movies · UnlimitedRage
Kuroto wasn't to be left behind and he too easily opened the first gate.
Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive
I do have a ptrn but it isn't active, at all. I've even faced a writers's block for this story, continuously rewriting the next chapter since last month. If you're still interested, my username is the same as this username.
I used to be John Timberland, a Wall Street broker with a knack for shady deals on the side.
Marvel : Homelander
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