STAY AWAY FROM THIS! this is a fanfic that's been taken from the original author without permission. I I'm reporting this.
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rast on alternate history has a pretty damn good alternate timeline on what could be a possible outcome of a central powers victory during the war, it's very extensive and has reached into what we consider post world war II timeline
So much so that common harlots and streetwalkers would take offense if you dared to insist, they were neither noble nor virtuous enough to be called a "lady." Thinking back upon it, Bruno couldn't help but shake his head, thinking about the fate of the world he had come from, and how glad he was to be reborn in a time of virtue, culture, and general decency. Three things that were sorely missing from the world that would come from the Great War.
War · Zentmeister
Continue MoD.
Anime & Comics · Accel14
the USS Yorktown wasn't raised, the navy renamed a Essex class carrier to Yorktown after the battle of Midway. that is the Yorktown you saw
"Fine, set a slow course towards the location of the battle of Midway. That place has three carriers I need. Kaga, Akagi, and Yorktown."
Anime & Comics · Dragon15681
that is not a Blackstone fortress, that is the imperial fist's flagship the phalanx.
As the fleet approached, Franklin's gaze was drawn to a massive structure floating in the void near one of the bustling voidports. The Blackstone Fortress, a relic of unimaginable power they had discovered during their Crusade, hung suspended amidst a flurry of automations and engineers. Even from this distance, Franklin could see the world-ending weapons being integrated into its ancient framework.
Anime & Comics · Shiro_Kusanagi_69
the panzerfaust does have a shaped charge warhead.
Thanks to its penetration power of 140mm, the warhead penetrated two Hotchkiss H39s in succession.
Book&Literature · Richard_Arata
that's a modern ship
In addition, three minelayers and a whaling ship belonging to the Norwegian Navy followed the German fleet into battle with the British Navy.
Book&Literature · Richard_Arata
the lutzow is the same type of ship as the graf spee
This time, the Deutschland-class armored ships Lützo and Graf Spe, the Atmiral Hipper-class heavy cruiser Blücher, and three additional destroyers joined.
Book&Literature · Richard_Arata
I already reported him and his story
It Started With Devils & Artefacts
Anime & Comics · Dragon15681