"But that's not all Harry, you see, you yourself are known as the Master of Death... My Master, I've waited for eons for you to finally be born, waited and waited and WAITED."
Book&Literature · Kurogano
"Yes," Reed replied with a broad smile. "These suits are designed to withstand a range of space conditions, from UV rays to cosmic radiation."
Anime & Comics · Arcane_Eso
it's supposed to be the duat/ nile
Set mulled over his sparse memories of the underworld. He knew it lay to the west of the Nile, shrouded in a perpetual, chilling mist, where the River Styx ferried lifeless souls through gates leading to realms unknown. Only after vanquishing Apep did Ra journey there aboard the ten-thousand-year ship.
Fantasy · Rqmk
"In a fight, having more people isn't always a good thing. I'd have had more trouble against three duellers that know how to fight alongside each other, than twenty that have never fought together before. This is a bit of an extreme example, but in a real fight, they would have tried to shield each other, maybe even have a formation and try to trap me…"
Book&Literature · athass_prkr
did doran wear the ring
Erlend was amused, for all her demure nature, the woman could be very opinionated on certain topics, primarily his clothing. Ever since their relationship blossomed, the Targaryen matriarch had made it a point to always check on his clothing before every event, or public appearance.
Book&Literature · FitzMagna
His intuition told him this boy was extremely dangerous, but his curiosity about the ever-mutating genes was insatiable. He wanted to unlock its secrets, to study it and find the answers.
Movies · Anime_Kingdom_2672
jor el
In reality the old general was in a state of denial. His purpose was to serve Krypton and this was a shared purpose among all Kryptonians. So the idea of a kryptonian sharing his own flesh and blood rejecting that purpose was simply impossible in his mind.
Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All
Get your spelling right. It's an eyesore to look at. The story is going well. But try to edit. Thanks
Woofswood was a large forest, its huge oaks looking ancient and strangely twisted. It wasn't just oaks that inhabited the forest. Sentinels, soldier pines, and hawthorn, beech, ash, chestnut, ironwood, fir, and many tall pines. Weirwoods were occasionally found singly or in pairs.
The Chronicles of Ice and Fire: The God-Emperor of Planetos
TV · TheGratPrince