Don_Puchino - Profile


male LV 4
2019-11-21 Beigetreten India

Abzeichen 7

Moments 93


time for for mystic eyes to shine

"Do not do anything else from now on. Stay focused on keeping an eye on the different areas of Gotham! We won't stop until we find every Blackgate prisoner!"

DC: Phantom Thief Kid

DC: Phantom Thief Kid

Anime & Comics · Sothisq


it should be impossible for him to use gear 2nd as it is too stamina consuming and stressful for his current self

A significant amount of air streamed in from the soles of his feet, circulating rapidly throughout his body, turning his skin red, and causing his body to emit steam. "What's he doing? What's happening to his body? It looks like a boiled crab," remarked the horse, covering her mouth with a giggle, oblivious to the impending crisis.

Mangaka in the StrawHats

Mangaka in the StrawHats

Anime & Comics · GarudaTranslation


someone needs to tell trunk the history of saiyan

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can he engrave runes on ground or objects?

I observed them as they turned my way, none the wise about the runes that had sprouted on their bodies. I gave the command and the rank C skill [Explosive Rune] was fully utilized

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui


can he use vitality aether to to fasten the recovery/ growth of his atrophied fluid meridians ?

His Fluid Core qualified him as a Fluid Squire. This was a relatively low level that most talented Consortium disciples didn't reach until they were in their teens. Because his Fluid Core had never been opened, his meridians were atrophied, but that was not a problem for him. For this issue, he had his high Body Constitution and Vitality.

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize


i don't think she will ever see him again

Amy seemed to want to add a few words, but finally she abstained and left in silence with her two friends. She was not ready for the Ordeal, but she would not forget to whom she owed her life.

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize

Replied to Crowboros

they have oracle with them and with MC clearing the digestors in his way, they have a fair chance to catch up to him

Tired, but too nervous and anxious to rest, the group set off again at dusk, retracing their steps in order to find the man they had hoped to never meet again...

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize


It's a mineral. He can try to break it or cut it and keep a small piece for himself

'A treasure is only of worth if I have the strength to protect it. If I'm weak, it's just a calamity. Better to simply give it to the inner circle and take some rewards.'

Birth of the Demonic Sword

Birth of the Demonic Sword

Eastern · Eveofchaos


he has a system, things wouldn't been like this if he utilised it properly before it was updated.( I like his independence over system, but completely neglecting it is nothing but wasteful in my eyes.)

Of course, he would disgrace himself as a Journeyman if he ever had to ask for clarification from a Master Mech Designer on a subject that even Apprentices should be able to understand!

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor


What art content are you talking about, when you aren't even a novice in heavy mech.

There was not that much content about the art of this discipline because it was too personal and associated with one's own style.

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor

Replied to YorumeSensei00

Well, these are second hand goods, so it's normal if their price is low. The tier of the artifacts and elixir is definitely low, and the quality of his swords must have degraded a little with time. Then there are those pills, which even if kept in jade bottle, tend to lose their potency with time.

'Right now, I only have one hundred and sixty-eight spirit stones. If I sell some spirit swords and elixirs, I can barely make up to two hundred. I'm still short of eight hundred spirit stones,' thought Jiang Hao in dismay. 'Maybe I can take up some sect missions.'

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Cultivating In Secret Beside A Demoness

Eastern · Red Pepper Afraid Of Spicy


What if it's just one week old? At this point, It is nothing but a bunch of cells. Would it be immoral kill her?

Val's gaze landed thoughtfully on Adrienne's swelling belly, and a whirlwind of contemplations stirred within him, Is taking her life the only solution? I don't want to, truthfully. Despite her being a notorious killer, a lunatic, a terrorist, there's innocence within her... the child she carries is pure. I can't punish the unborn for the sins of its mother. Not every criminal deserves death; some deserve redemption. But...

Marvel: The Journey

Marvel: The Journey

Movies · AidenUsmani


are we having sandman here?

Looking at himself in the mirror, the boy staring back at himself was handsome, with a sickly yet captivating complexion. He exuded an intriguing and magnetic presence. His pale and mysterious face, as if illuminated by the moon, had a unique appeal. His deep eyes, like wells of mystery, seemed to hold a universe of secrets. They were dark and penetrating, standing out in contrast to his pale skin.

The Orb of Worlds without Limits: Alice in Borderland

The Orb of Worlds without Limits: Alice in Borderland

Movies · SrCuervo


Why are they calling him a kid? Isn't he a grown man

Once more, the vendor shook their head, their expression apologetic. "Sorry, kid. I'm afraid I don't know anyone with that name."

Marvel: The Journey

Marvel: The Journey

Movies · AidenUsmani


Is this the survival rate of poor quirkless orphan or that of every single quirkless child ?

Not every Quirkless child is abandoned, certainly not in such a manner, however the rate of survival to age 15 is infinitely close to zero.

MHA: Quirkless Hero

MHA: Quirkless Hero

Anime & Comics · AgentMonke

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