I hate when authors bring the Bible and its religion to the Wizarding world
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Mrs Dursley fainted at that. Marius took the opportunity to collect their coats and slip out the door, a wide smile on his handsome face. After all, the Dursleys didn't know he was a Squib.
Book&Literature · Nebula_Scribe
they don't know that
'I have a deal to make with you, Muggle,' Marius spat. 'You tell no one about what happened here tonight, and I'll not report you to the authorities for child abuse.' He paused and considered, then smiled nastily. 'Or turn you all into frog spawn.'
Book&Literature · Nebula_Scribe
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I want a galaxy size rasengan
Anime & Comics · Odayaka
Honesty I would just decline the quest why would I want to go on a date with someone who is only doing it because of a bet? especially when I could just hang out with Hinata instead
[ Hybrid Quest Alert ]
Anime & Comics · Adamo_Amet
if its his third year he should be 12-13 not 18
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If someone ever decides to use this Idea after reading it hear give me a reply I would like to read it :3 or if anyone knows of a fic that uses a idea similar to this one please tell me I would like to know
I'm always wondering why authors don't have their mc indirectly help Harry, It wouldn't be that hard to do with out getting attention especially for the kids with orphanage backgrounds, just meet with their head of house as soon as possible and bring up your worries and concerns about poor harry being obviously abused and that it should be brought up to the teachers and he should be taken to the Madam Pomfrey to make sure he doesn't have any wounds that haven't held correctly and make sure he gets on a proper diet/program that heals his mal nutrition, I imagine if Snape knew what kind of abuse Harry had endured he wouldn't be so hard on him since Snape was also Abused, I have no doubt that Snape doesn't know that Harry has been abused and the extent it is, and with all the teachers knowing the about the abuse they would be a little gentle with Harry, and since they are an orphan they can use the excuse that since they saw how other abused kids looked and acted from the time at the orphanage since the abused kids would be taken out of the abusive houses and sent to the orphanage so he would know all about it
was this sapoused to say no girlfriends, just one fiancé?
" Yep , and no girlfriends, just one girlfriend." I clarified, Ruby's eyes opened wide with a glint of hope in them, she nodded firmly.
Izumi Miyamura: Xover
Anime & Comics · Camellya_Addams