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2019-10-08 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 11

Moments 3093

Replied to AspiringPedo

did you get it?

That port city still needs a decent population to function, and the Belladonna's are currently watching that city, to which they agreed to do so after being asked by Sienna. Especially after I informed Sienna of what happened to their daughter.

Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

Finding Purpose In The Multiverse: Meta Essence Quest Mode

Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1

Replied to DLich8

and tapestry of fate too

A battle raged on. A fight to decide the lives of many. A war between Gods, man and the like, woven into the tapestry of fate

Sukuna in Marvel

Sukuna in Marvel

Anime & Comics · Honoured_Writer

Replied to Black_Bolt_

thank you for listening

Give me your opinion and criticism about the chapter, I can only improve my story If you point out what is wrong and what is needed to change.

Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_

Replied to The_Tube

japanese shortening for the words of high-school girls in japanese

Farewell, young girls. (With Byakuya's level of courage, he didn't dare to covet Justeaze and Scáthach.)

Shinji Matou at Your Service

Shinji Matou at Your Service

Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode


Too much talk. almost no show. what's the point of reading his thoughts when that's the entire story in this arc? My favourite part in overlord stories is in truth the game part. Not the New World one. However we don't see much about the game here. only him bragging... and bragging... and bragging while daring us to refute him! where is that journey whose importance you talked about??? what's is the point here? why do we only hear of his "exploits" but not see them?? if it continues like this it would have been better to skip the game entirely (even when I dislike the New World part in most stories)


you're just a d*mb*ss

So yeah, while some players might be charging headfirst into the heart of danger, I prefer to play it safe. Why risk losing all those hard-earned levels and experience points when I can still rack up a decent amount right where I am? Call me cautious, call me a chicken, but I call it playing smart.

Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_


no it isn't what "keeps things interesting" that's supposed to be the possibilities, options and freedom. NOT the challenges. That was the main selling point of the game. the freedom of choice

Ah, the eternal struggle of leveling up in YGGDRASIL. It's like trying to climb a mountain made of Jell-O—you take one step forward and slide back two steps. But hey, that's what keeps things interesting, right? Keeps you on your toes, so to speak.

Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_


honestly I still have hope for this story but it's starting to dwindle. At least say in the synopsis it's an AU or something. If not then do not just change whatever you want willy nilly.

I managed to level up to 50, which might sound low compared to other games, but in YGGDRASIL, it's a pretty respectable level. You see, the experience needed to level up increases with each level, so hitting level 50 is no small feat. It's like climbing a mountain made of experience points—one level at a time.

Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_


the too-detailed decriptions and his personality that gets pleased, satisfied and arrogant so esily is already getting annoying, hopefully it improves in the future

Give me your opinion and criticism about the chapter, I can only improve my story If you point out what is wrong and what is needed to change.

Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_


c'mon man. the game wasn't that realistic in the original. Is this an AU or is a chuuni?

But amidst the haunting landscape, I soon spotted my first target—a lone skeleton wandering aimlessly through the mist, its hollow eye sockets fixed on me with a gaze that seems to suck my soul out.

Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_


There's too many mentions of his excitement, aticipation and andrenalin IMO. there is generally too many repeats of a lot of the same or similar descriptions and words, I think the story could be better with less repetition.

As I set out into the murky depths of Helheim, my mind buzzed with excitement and anticipation, eager to test out my newfound skills and abilities. With each step, I couldn't help but marvel at the eerie beauty of my surroundings—the twisted trees, the ominous fog, the bone-chilling silence that hung in the air like a shroud.

Overlord: The Multiverse

Overlord: The Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Black_Bolt_

Replied to LordAinzSama

what happened?

Raphael: I am Genderless Android so I don't have balls.

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

In Marvel as Ultimate Skill Raphael

Anime & Comics · Akros_Zero


why don't you repeat that a few more times? The first time wasn't clear enough

However, on the surface of a Kabane's heart, there is a steel-like skin membrane that even a Steam Gun cannot penetrate.



Anime & Comics · DarkShadow95


finally!! an entire chapter of monologue! when we already knew everything said there! in the middle of a f**king conversation!!

Kurono watched the reaction of Tsukasa and Touka with interest and wanted to know why Tsukasa was being called the Magus, but she could tell that neither of them wanted to tell her, especially when Tsukasa kept looking at Touka.

Is it wrong to become a scumbag?

Is it wrong to become a scumbag?

Anime & Comics · akikan40

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