

female LV 4

I am a flower with spikes...be careful

2019-10-02 Beigetreten India
Originelle Werke
Abzeichen 6

Moments 4
3 years ago

So Coool.....

3 years ago

Who else ... the mighty Gramps of max ...

Suddenly the old man's gaze met with Max and time seemed to have stopped.

The Ancient Genes

The Ancient Genes

Fantasy · ReincarnatedSaint

3 years ago

So cunning

4 years ago

Now will we get a time lapse or time jump or still continue this timeline ???

  • Golden hearts: CEO loves the rival bird... original

    Golden hearts: CEO loves the rival bird...


    '' We will work together. '', a man said. '' Yeah, together we can change the history of the world.. '', a person standing besides the person said. They both were standing on a hill top and looking at the vast landscape which was lightly sinking in the bright rays of the sun as it was rising high from the hills. As it is said that with the time passing and surrounding changing, our friends and relatives also changes and show their ugly sides. 'How dare you betray me?'', said the man in his late fifties. '' Why are you shouting on me? It's you who betrayed me. '', roared the second man of the same age. '' We will have worked together and stayed with each other more than our family members did, but you .. Nothing is more important than money for you. '' '' It'd you who is always running for money.... '' They both fought. They both separated their families. They stopped contacting each other. Seeing each other feel happy without their buddy, they were sad so tried to create problems for each other. Just on a single thing, once childhood friends had become rivals. The friends who could give their lives was now thirsty for each other's blood.. Why does human has such a big ego? Their families started to hate each other from their core of the heart. YEARS PASSED AND THIS HATE HAD DEEPENED. While working in the business, they found new rivals and the government. To protect their business and status, they were forced to work together again but the trust, that was lost could not be get so easily. So to build this trust, a marriage was planned. ------------------------------------------------------------- " I love you.. '' said Jiang Suchen as he hold Xun May's wrist. '' I hate you.. '', Xun May replied with no emotion in her eyes as she tried to pull her hand away. '' Hate comes when their is love, so that means you also love me.. '', he pulled Xun May in his embrace. '' You... Big gorilla!'', she steps her heel hard on his foot. ''Ahh. You.'' He cries in pain. '' What? Do you think I am an easy person? Mr. Jiang, I know very well that you are trying to get me late at the board meeting, so that my company may not get this project. So lame trick. '', she said coldly and left. Behind, the man smirked. '' This rival bird has to long feathers, I have to cut it down. '' ------------------------------------------------------------- Jiang Suchen is the cold and aloof CEO of JI. He had a past which he could not forget and tried to rectify his mistake. Xun May is the anonymous heir of the Xun Corp., rival company of the JI. She had to live duel identities due to her past. Her second identity is that of Amm, who is socially funded scholar in the beast University 'The Gate' and had some more in her store. Follow the story Of Suchen and May to face their future and lighten or deepen the rivality and hatred that their families had shared for so long. Will their pasts eat both of them? Will they be a boon or curse couple? Will their future be their fate or made by them, themselves? Let's find out it in this novel..... Please share, support, vote and send reviews........

    20 Chs 61 Sammlungen

  • Finding her school love original

    Finding her school love


    Qin Sana is deeply in love with her high school boyfriend Jang Zhiling. They were together for five years and he in the end of their school has proposed her and she accepted it. But her single icy aunt Qin Miana does not accept their relationship and thinks that school love is just a chit a play and only hurts emotions. So with the help of her scientist uncle Chu Lincho, Sana time travels 20 years back when her aunt was in high school to find her school love and to make it successful so that in future she would provide her blessings. Will Sana be able to find her aunt's school love? Will there be a happy ending for couple ? Will Miana's thoughts about relationships in school ever change? This story is a mirror of my life. Miana's point of view is mine. I hope you will enjoy it This story is about Sana to learn maturity and contentment and Miana to accept the truth about change in emotions of a girl during adolescence.

    2 Chs 2 Sammlungen