

LV 15
2019-09-19 Beigetreten Canada
Abzeichen 15

Moments 7
1 years ago

Hahaha lowly feeder. Is the author sure that it's not a cat.

3 years ago

Can't belive this idiot actually guessed something right. this is literally a miracle.

Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
3 years ago
Replied to Angor_Mike

I thought he couldn't because of what the death couples said about him not being the protagonist

Outside of my friends, it seems Harry and Malfoy have seen Quirrellmort feeding on a unicorn and have been quite stricken by the event. I do have an issue with this scenario in general though. So you have Draco Malfoy, heir of his family with most of the board of directors in their hand and the ministers ear, Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lives and rightful heir of house Potter, Neville Longbottom, heir of his family as well and a grandmother on the board of director, and Hermione Granger, most brilliant and dedicated witch of her age, all being sent in the deadliest place at Hogwarts with only one Hagrid and a wimpy dog. My question involving this scenario is, what the hell was Dumbledore thinking allowing this to happen? Hagrid even split them up and let Draco and Harry hunt for something or someone attacking unicorns on their own. How the fuck did he see this one go in his head? I have respect for the man, but this is one of those times where I really doubt the him and question the senility claims.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Book&Literature · Alexander_the_grey

3 years ago

overall a good story that has room for great growth. His cheat isn't over powered in any other setting but this one. It gives so much advantage over others that he can push the story beyond survival.

3 years ago

A light but fun novel that has a lot of room for development. The main concept isn't new but it doesn't mean that it isn't good. Can't wait to see what pets he will have.

4 years ago

That's basically Wurmple from pokemon gen 3

Su Hao remembered it clearly because the Golden-Winged Sky Silkworm was frequently tested in exams.

Start With Contracting Sprites

Start With Contracting Sprites

Urban · Bimo Zhijian