SherlockPXO - Profile



LV 13
2019-09-16 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 7

Moments 113


remember when he said he didn't want to be a hero

"Well, now you've seen one. Let me tell you, although my goddess isn't well-known in Orario, in her homeland, she's famous for her ability to mentor heroes.

Player's Journey In Anime World

Player's Journey In Anime World

Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode


what about is regeneration?

Ryou's current basic attributes were starting to make things a bit tricky.

Player's Journey In Anime World

Player's Journey In Anime World

Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode


wants to get stronger proceeds to get a part time job unrelated

Having showcased his exceptional culinary skills, Ryou naturally gained the leverage to negotiate terms. He thus agreed with Mama Mia that he would only take charge of cooking on weekend evenings, leaving the rest of the time for his activities.

Player's Journey In Anime World

Player's Journey In Anime World

Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode


pretty sure she is the chef the chef should be May

"Oh~" Mama Mia couldn't help but scrutinize him from head to toe, her eyes filled with doubt.

Player's Journey In Anime World

Player's Journey In Anime World

Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode


qualities of a hero?


To have developed her Familia to this extent, even controlling the dark side of the Pleasure Quarter, Goddess Ishtar naturally had the qualities of a hero. She immediately decided to abandon the underground coliseum, which had cost her countless funds and effort.

Player's Journey In Anime World

Player's Journey In Anime World

Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode

Replied to ThorLong


"Damn it! You're right. I've got a wife and kids waiting for me at home. What do we do? I'll follow your lead!" The bald man patted his chest with his battle axe.

Player's Journey In Anime World

Player's Journey In Anime World

Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode



They are all poor, which means they have no money.

Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher

Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher

Anime & Comics · Cold_Colt


clearly cause 1 student killing and the other making trouble every other day is good teachings


"Perhaps that's the difference between being educated by the Academy and being taught by me personally. People, they need to have self-awareness," Old Yao remarked.

BTTH Adding Points To Become Stronger

BTTH Adding Points To Become Stronger

Anime & Comics · AlbertTl


already getting tired of her chunibyou

Right now it was the true her, Prinzessin Der Verurteilung, a top class investigator of the adventurer's guild who happened to have an IQ much higher than most people, with a vocabulary so vast it could dwarf the entirety of the biggest mountain in Dragonspine if it were to be converted in sheer volume, and that was not including her being able to make work of any foe in ten seconds flat with either the pointed end of her arrows or fried to a crisp by her trusty Oz.

Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

Video Games · Stick_Swinger


but why at this rate he will end up having a party of over 50 people in a month

He just wanted to make sure he would take any chance he could to get another capable member aboard, nothing more.

Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

Video Games · Stick_Swinger


why is he using his world standards when clearly almost every 1 is supernatural

Releasing so many arrows in succession with such precision was physically impossible. If anyone recorded this and showed it to someone from his old world, they would think it was a sped-up clip of a robot shooting on a target practice.

Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

Video Games · Stick_Swinger


It is weird that he is in a rush to add people to the party when he has been in the world for 3 days he doesn't even know if the current members will stay like hu tao got to go to Liyue considering her job

'That could work, now...I need to leave an impression on her somehow so that she would be willing to join...I have an idea but it's really embarrassing...' As he was thinking that, Hu Tao suddenly spoke.

Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

Video Games · Stick_Swinger


Just realized I read the original was having a strong feeling of deja vu

Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.

the fact he could run away from a place that has the MC and all might doesn't make much sense

After my fight with the Nomu, Shigaraki was going to try to attack me but as All Might arrived on the scene he backed away looking at me with a lot of hatred on his face. After that I told All Might not to say that I was the one who sent the Nomu into space! I'm not kidding! Either the Nomu died or he's in space because I highly doubt he's on earth.

One punch man:Traveling between worlds

One punch man:Traveling between worlds

Anime & Comics · Joel2018_Assis

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