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2019-08-24 Beigetreten United Kingdom

Abzeichen 59

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Thank you for the chapters.

ch 99 An Expedition into the Forgotten Lands Part 3

Zero Fate against the world

Zero Fate against the world

Video Games · Abadom

Replied to Litlle_Penguin

Dude, I am just going to say the same thing: there’s a bit more nuance to it. Black people in the equator (like dude, just grow some and say black people) simply do not and have not had an over abundance of food to the point where they don’t need to think or work. Where did you get this from? How could you realistically think this when there are literally tribes hunting for food at this very moment? Why do you think they don’t need to build things? Is planting crops easy? like is getting crops that survive in those harsh conditions while giving enough food while fighting off plant and human diseases which are more frequent than “in colder regions” all while working tirelessly in 30+ degree weather easy to you and requires no work or thinking. This isn’t even taking in other factors like desertification, wars or being occupated by these people who come from “cold” regions. Where did you get the information that black people are more primitive because they are more likely to have a big brow ridge?, there’s multiple questions in this so I’ll split it up, Where did you find the info that black people are more likely to have one? And where did you get the info that a large brow is correlated to low intelligence? And how does this effect the nords or others who have more defined features such as a large brow? Basically you don’t know what you’re talking about like me (I can’t even say plant diseases are more common near the equator, I can say human cause malaria, Ebola and others), but atleast I don’t go around saying ‘black people have it easy which is why other races who have worked hard are mentally superior’.

As expected, we are not that different... But I ask myself if an African Super Soldier would be stronger and taller than an Asian Super-soldier, the latter on his part being smarter...

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Anime & Comics · EvansKannon


Now I know the saying: if you don’t have anything good to say then don’t say it and I also know I won’t be part of the majority here but… I don’t think this chapter was good. Like what did the first half of this have to do with anything, like what does a kid insincerely trying to use racism as a get out of jail free card have to do with this book. Like I get the point of building bad emotions but could this not be somehow linked to the book, like using any one of the terrible things that happen in the marvel universe. I would also think lengthening an event more would serve your purpose better like the orangutan being used as a s*x object is bad and shouldn’t happen but I just couldn’t get into it because it really doesn’t matter to the story and only has like 10 lines detailing it, like all I could think of while reading was “why should I care?”. I think this would work better if there was a semi long plotline which was semi descriptive that linked to marvel, this imo would be better both story wise and emotionally wise. Like have a POV of marvel character and then cause something bad happen to them which isn’t super generic and then switch back to the mc, this could also be used later on in the story to set up another plot point, idk just seems more streamlined and relevant. As for the second half, I will blame myself for not liking it, just couldn’t get into the whole William Fisk revenge thing. I liked the usage of the monster sociopath guy (bad at names) and stuff just couldn’t get into the story. I honestly just thought the revenge was boring and generic. I personally (just saying my opinion cause I can) would like it if mc started like torturing Fisk then realised it was meaningless and then just killed him along with the whole moral dilemma thing, then idk shed a tear, thought of his parents then told sociopath guy to kill the wife. Just my opinion at the point of writing this and maybe this would also be generic and boring if I read it. Hopefully if you have read this far you can realise I don’t just hate the book and author. Like I have read 60 chapters I care about it atleast a bit. I don’t hate this chapter I just think it isn’t good.

Replied to MEMES_R_gud


"Marriage is unfair to the man. If the woman decides to leave the man, she takes Half of his money, the house, the kids... Guys, don't marry so easily. They will try to pressure you. 'We're together 4 years when we are gonna marry?', 'You need to put a ring on my finger for it', 'Do you want a wife paying the price of a girlfriend? Hmpf'. Mind games, my good men."

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Anime & Comics · EvansKannon

Replied to MEMES_R_gud

Yes but over-generalisation has happened quite a lot so far. And In places just changing the wording would make it better, atleast a bit. E.g. most women picked A and most men picked B, or ‘I think big companies are causing some of the feminist outrage to suite their agenda’. This small change in wording decreases the scale of the generalisation.

"Marriage is unfair to the man. If the woman decides to leave the man, she takes Half of his money, the house, the kids... Guys, don't marry so easily. They will try to pressure you. 'We're together 4 years when we are gonna marry?', 'You need to put a ring on my finger for it', 'Do you want a wife paying the price of a girlfriend? Hmpf'. Mind games, my good men."

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Anime & Comics · EvansKannon


Ok, so like, I agree having different identities brings their own benefits and disadvantages. And while the previous paragraph/sentence is contrived whatever, who cares. I find a problem with this thinking. By saying this you are saying that even though 74% of suic*des are males and 91% of r*pe victims are females, these statistics don’t matter because all of these cases are just because of individuals and not because of a mix of systemic problems and individual’s activities which lead to these statistics to be skewed in whatever direction. You are putting all the blame on individuals when there is very clearly a problem outside of that. Like 91%, is this not an issue? It Is not about ‘privilege’ it is about how disproportionatly disadvantaged a group of people are. 10 times more likely to be r*ped, that is insane. That is just the far end of the spectrum, I don’t even want to look for statistics on s*xual harassment. Of course everything above could be said about su*cide in men or a multitude of other issues. I just don’t think the ‘get over it, you get benefits from being ___’ mentality is correct for this situation. I don’t know how this is coming across but I don’t mean to be aggressive or anything of the kind. I don’t know if what I am talking about had the view I painted it with, I just like felt saying what I think. Anyway thank you for the chapters, I like them quite a lot, please keep updating if you want to.


Burnt bodies don’t smell good. Don’t ask me why I know.

Ye Qiu slapped him without hesitation. The roasted meat he was talking about was the corpses that had fallen into the sea of flames.

The Most Generous Master Ever

The Most Generous Master Ever

Eastern · Su Yu

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