
male LV 14


2019-05-31 Beigetreten Global
Abzeichen 18

Moments 71
22 days ago
Replied to Idkyk

ahh, i forgor i have to include my overall most favourite SI fic ever and that is "Ghost in the city" by seras0 that can be found in ao3, royalroad or spacebattles. It is slice of life cyberpunk fic, just day to day shenigans and getting stronger. Highly recommended if you havent read already.

23 days ago
Replied to Idkyk

My researching Journey (hxh) by VQuintessence  / semi apathic MC. A Magical Journey (HP) by fictiononlyreader / smart MC that wants learn all magics, overall pretty good if you can get past the mental affecting curse vault. Murder wizards adventures (Naruto) by Bored_MC / you probably wont like this because MC really doesnt give a shit about relationships selfclaimed psyco little bit cracky, should give it a try and see if its for your liking Naruto: of shadows and sharingas by LuminouShadow / op MC from birth but it really was fun read, sadly most likely dropped. Cyberpunk: Arasaka secret son by jhunior_II / decent cyberpunk fic. all theese can be found in webnovel, but if you havent already id recommend you go to ao3 and make account there and search with tags including "self-insert" . i usually include self-insert, sort by hits or update then exclude m/m because i dont want to read that and add min word count to 20k. You can search all fandoms with tag or go to any fandom you like and include it as a tag.

24 days ago
Replied to Idkyk

Alexanderblackfyre, percival_blackfyre, stark_helix, maegor_potter, percival_lannister all from same guy with different patreons and stolen stories. its insane how things are like they are in 2024.

24 days ago
Replied to Hurt_Mee

pretty sure its only minor training in chakra control to activate bakugan, every pre-academy child and their fate driven cousins could do it.

The Hyuga was next as he said, "My name is Hyuga Naga, I'm 14 years old, I like Taijutsu and hate birds, My current goal is to awaken my Byakugan."

Naruto: Uninterested Uchiha

Naruto: Uninterested Uchiha

Anime & Comics · Hurt_Mee

27 days ago
Replied to dragon723

not sure if youve heard they dual hosting

27 days ago
Replied to Eclipse_Ranger

ah did only get the "he is 3 years OLDER" memo and was extermly confused

27 days ago

what war are you talking about and what 13?

1 months ago
Replied to AfroLord

Ehh, i like to compare this more in line of our own nucelar history. They're deterrents.

1 months ago

Hana had triplet of doggies refered as Haimaru and Kuromaru is Tsumes nindoggy...

The three of them scattered, using their individual abilities to try and outmaneuver their sensei. Ryoma used his shadow clones to create confusion, while Itachi employed his keen observations to anticipate Kaito's moves. Hana and Koromaru launched a coordinated assault, testing Kaito's defenses.

The Reincarnated Uchiha Prodigy

The Reincarnated Uchiha Prodigy

Anime & Comics · Radu1905

1 months ago
Replied to WanderingCritic

But you will never write a complete story without time moving and i feel like story like this wont do well if you write day to day actions of a 3ft psycopathic child for the next +100 chapters and we are not even month in.

(A/N: It has been 11 chapters and not a single day has passed in the actual story. When I think about the extra year you guys voted onto the timeline I start weeping tears of blood.)

Cyberpunk : Unbound

Cyberpunk : Unbound

Video Games · WanderingCritic