See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Or perhaps the flame that the Lord of Everburning Trees is missing
But he didn't let this bother him, because he could feel her. It manifested as a slight tugging sensation within the very core of his soul, a type of longing that Yin Long was certainly could only be produced because it had sensed his closest family.
Eastern · ShiranuiShukumei
Alas I read this a bong, I am not a trueavatar fan
He has a lot of power now, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to learn all elements, and become the Legend of Baang.
Fantasy · Harlyboy
Since Gabriel reached 690 meters, it means he has only accessed 69% of his full potential."
Fantasy · MN_1223
Damage: 66-69
Games · Qi Peijia
Its a Beauty and The Beast reference, how they had all the cutlery dancing and singing. Hope that helps!
He had standards.
Games · RachelRuth
Latter* just a lil typo
What was especially odd about the altter individual was the fact although he caused even the city to rumble with his steps, the ground beneath him never cracked and it even seemed perfectly still.
Grand Ancestral Bloodlines
Action · Awespec