I’m pretty sure his prophecy powers was just to like cover up for his jokes about the timeline
I was processing the fact I had committed a big stupid mistake, I mean, I had access to basically all knowledge about all planets, and I had still failed to check what was I to expect on the planet, in other circumstances such a mistake could very well be lethal.
Oh nvm and yeah Tim riddle should be being born soon if not already
"No, Ma'am, you may not know but he is known to be a big war hero and he is also a very influential man in the magical community. He will not help you in this matter as it goes against the rules." He quickly denied her.
Book&Literature · MisterImmortal
Yeah it’s probably not albus but at the same time I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a past Dumbledore Professor before Albus
"Can this man, Dumbledore... be talked to..."
Book&Literature · MisterImmortal
Actually it don’t think they did, they mentioned that they have to wait till Che can chose to be in that from for a month
Astoria smiled cutely, looking like a chipmunk as she stuffed her cheeks full of candy. Daphne smiled softly, everyone loved Astoria. She was just too cute. It was a fact.
Movies · Monkey_Godking
You should start writing again this was a really good read and I’ve been hoping a prying that I’ll scrolle by it in my library and I see there an update but every time I pass it and don’t see the lil blue dot it meks me sad because this was a really good book and I had high hopes for it
Lmao no it’s not
You’re overwhelmingly shallow
Please don’t drop
Naruto: Blacksmith
Others · theusual