
female LV 5

I am person with what I am no double face straight forward and respect others work and sometimes short-tempered

2019-04-10 Beigetreten India
Abzeichen 5

Moments 2
4 years ago

in layman's language he is another bruce lee😂😂

The man had no power to fight back. Qin Chu was the heir of a business empire, and he had been studying martial arts since he was young. He knew most fighting styles - Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Sanda, wrestling, and so on.

Punished by his hidden love

Punished by his hidden love

Urban · Baby Piggie

4 years ago

she has lost her father like person see herself blame for the situation so her point is valid

Having heard this, Qin Chu's hands slightly froze on the steering wheel…

Punished by his hidden love

Punished by his hidden love

Urban · Baby Piggie