curse turn him to water
"See?! I told you he couldn't die! He even survived the Royal Curse AND the Soul Extinguisher!"
Book&Literature · Snollygoster
"Hello, King Taijitu!" Kei shouted as she hugged the big snake.
Anime & Comics · Screm_Boi
Eri nodded determinedly. They had used the tables to create a small square around them, and for some reason standing inside the square made her more confident than she normally would be when she was outside like it was some kind of barrier. (It could also do with the fact that she was holding a candy apple.)
Anime & Comics · Screm_Boi
Forget it, no one would be interested in a girl like her.
Book&Literature · Cadenadeaventuras
Barnaby looked her up and down secretly for a moment.
Book&Literature · Cadenadeaventuras
Write a comment if you want more! Because that's the only way for me to know you want more!!!
Anime & Comics · Writing_Shirou
[Alice Cullen]→
Movies · Beans_on_a_tree
You've got to love it when a plan comes together.
Movies · RaedaX_1
Leave a comment for more chapters! If no comment, then no more chapters! Muhahhahah! I'm holding them hostage!
Anime & Comics · Writing_Shirou
Spider-Man glanced over at MJ, who was spinning in place with a psionic chain wrapped around an inmate, using him as a makeshift weapon to knock out others.
Spider-Man Mayhem
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3