A cool idea that falls flat due to poor unrealistic (even by fantasy standards) choices. Why is a 9 year old fighting in a war, and holding his like a grown man? Why is a man who lost his leg still able to sword fight mid battle? How is the gold company stronger, when his mercenary grip has 2X their numbers? Just silly not well thought out stuff. The grammar is decent enough and the idea is cool tho.
This is either Ai or a translation, cuz ‘leg’ is definitely meant to be ‘arm’.
Next, Monford Velaryon entered the arena, his rapier at the ready. Though he had lost a leg during the last battle, his swordsmanship was as precise as ever, and Aerion knew this would be a fight to test his technique.
Book&Literature · Jon_Coat
The gold company has less than half their me? It’s not even a competition
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Book&Literature · Jon_Coat
How is a 9 year old fighting grown men? 10 out of 10 times even the weakest adult fighter would k*** him easily, no matter how ‘prodigal’ he was
Aerion cut through the enemy with wild abandon, his sword flashing as he carved a path to the heart of the Volantene army. Clement, despite his injury, was beside him, cutting down soldiers as if they were nothing more than shadows.
Book&Literature · Jon_Coat
How could he lose a leg and still fight? He would be dead from the blood loss alone without any aid
Monford Velaryon stood at the heart of the Dragon Company's defenses, a Bastard Sword in his hand. His leg had been lost earlier in the battle, but he did not care. He could still fight—and fight he would. The pain in his leg was nothing compared to the wrath that surged through him. His men were falling, but they had no choice but to hold their ground.
Book&Literature · Jon_Coat
How is Monford the Lord of Driftmark if he is in Essos? Or does he just come back to Volantis a lot? Did he kneel?
They walked through those heavenly gardens, tiered above those streets of make-ends-meat.
TV · ssyffix
That doesn’t really make much sense, since ASOIAF dragons like living near volcanoes and sulfurous places.
Speaking of evil water, I could have realized my arrival at the market square even blinded thanks to the sulfurous stink of the river invading my nose, I was once again reminded of why this town was so very aptly named. The sound of powerful waves crashing against the shores earned my attention as a colossal black dragon's head rose above the river. Yes, even for dragons, this heat was too much.
Book&Literature · Numera
How am I being entitled by saying that it sucks? It ruins the flow of the story and continuously pulls you out of it.
| Year 105AC - Early night, a few minutes later, inside the Red Keep - With Aenys Targaryen:
Book&Literature · Targaryen_Official
What does that change about my dislike of cannons?
"No, you were right that the Wisdom has value, but from what the men say they are still too dangerous and imperfect. We will rely on steel at this venture. When you are lord of Dragonstone you may use them if you wish. Until then I have a duty to those under me to not put them at risk."
Game of Thrones: StormBorn
TV · GhxstWT