

LV 2
2019-07-28 Beigetreten Global
Originelle Werke
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Moments 32
1 years ago

I'm always waiting for your new work, Nonik. And this novel is very fun, because the prince hates me too much, I'm afraid he will fall in love at a late time. T_T

2 years ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

2 years ago

seru ceritanya, aku nunggu kelanjutan ceritany akak. [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]

2 years ago

The novel is cool, I like the suspenseful storyline. I am waiting for the continuation of this novel and highly recommended for you read[img=update]

2 years ago

ARGHHH SIAL SIAL, novelnya bagus banget gila, aku gak berhenti baca karena tegang di awal bab dan juga Ara to strong, boleh aku bilang dia sudah OP sebelum transmigrasi wkwkwk ngakak njir, tapi ah sial, INI BENER-BENER REKOMENDASI FANTASY YANG PELU KALIAN BACA HIKSSSS. aku menanges pen bab lainnya.

2 years ago

This novel is amazing, I like the storyline that is not monotonous and makes me want to read it without stopping. I recommend this read because it's really good.

2 years ago

Hai, hallo. ini cerita keduaku yang bahasa Indonesia, kisah tentang dua anak muda yang menikah karena tak direstui tapi malah berakhir tragis dan menimbun dendam di akhir cerita pernikahan mereka. ^^

2 years ago

The novel is very good, I like it all in all. Moreover, the character is so strong, I highly recommend this novel to be read.[img=update][img=update]

2 years ago

Suka banget sama novelnya, dari sisi alur dan juga karakter. aku rekomendasi banget buat baca ini, karena aku harus nunggu lagi bab selanjutnya update hikss... semangat kakak

2 years ago

Ceritanya mantap, ini sih emang bener-bener skandal banget sih wkwkwk. suka, rekomendasi sih. tapi kudu elus dada sama si Eki hahaha. [img=update][img=update]

  • Wedding Agreement. original

    Wedding Agreement.


    Carol was disappointed and lost love for her ex-fiancé. Her fiancé impregnated her cousin; this became the main reason for her revenge. She married Jeremy's step-brother when news of her marriage broke. This became the leading cause of her contract marriage to Jeremy's stepbrother, Marcus. This husband and wife have a dark past due to the same person. In the end, a doubt rose in Carol's heart, will her revenge be the right thing? When she realized her revenge was too naive compared to the grudge Marcus had been harboring all this time.

    7 Chs 4 Sammlungen

  • The Sytem Want Me To Flirt original

    The Sytem Want Me To Flirt


    Olivia gets Jeremy kicked out of the company after she refuses an arranged marriage from her father because of being instigated by Karin, her best friend. Then her father's company went bankrupt after being dropped by a business opponent; she was tricked by Karin and killed. Then Olivia wakes up in her room after she rejects the arranged marriage. A system window pops up and gives her two choices to save her life, marry Jeremy or die for nothing. Olivia chose the first option, accepted the match, and married Jeremy. But her father said, "Jeremy. My daughter accepts your proposal of marriage! congratulation, boy!!" Olivia got married, receiving all the attention and love that Jeremy gave her. Including taking revenge on Karin and her father's business rivals, she comes back to life with the help of a system that keeps asking her to seduce her husband, who is perverted and always likes physical touch.

    18 Chs 19 Sammlungen

  • The reincarnation, love and redemption. original

    The reincarnation, love and redemption.


    King Alaric is a cruel king who is quite famous, and it happened after a traitor and black magic user named Rania Guinevere, who was held in a dungeon, died. King Alaric is a wise and kind king, and then the kingdom is almost destroyed by the attacks of monsters and black magicians who want revenge. At the end of his life, the king asked the god in a dying state after being ambushed by a black magician when he deliberately baited himself towards the monsters outside the fort to die, and he asked the god to revive Rania and reunite the two of them in another life. Then Rania, who remembered that she was dead, was slashed by a fugitive who suddenly was able to enter the dungeon she was in, even though the prison door had strong white magic to lock her up. She wakes in the morning to find his legs and arms getting small. She gets out of bed and looks in the mirror where the little boy is standing. "What happened?!!!" But Rania is grateful, and maybe this is an excellent opportunity. God gave her one chance to save her family from destruction and slander by people who hate her family.

    8 Chs 11 Sammlungen

  • Unwanted Mate: Luna's Revenge original

    Unwanted Mate: Luna's Revenge


    Shireen had to swallow a bitter pill when she first found her mate at the age of 20, having to feel rejected by her mate, Jeremy. Holding her sister, Grace with a smile on her face when she even knew first that Shireen was the alpha mate. Shireen throws a tantrum at Jeremy's appointment party and gets cruel treatment and is publicly humiliated by Jeremy, as well as Shireen's own family. Only Luis, Jeremy's brother who accompanies Shireen to the end, even led Shireen to escape to get out of the hell-like world to find something better and happier. Shireen then realizes that she needs revenge on Jeremy and her naughty sister. To know that the girl they used to laugh at is no longer a joke, Shireen wants everyone to know that Jeremy and Grace lied to everyone. She will prove all that by becoming stronger, by ignoring Luis who is faithful by her side without knowing that Luis is her second mate who doesn't even convey the red string of fate to her.

    64 Chs 226 Sammlungen

  • Terikat Takdir Dengan Sang Alpha original

    Terikat Takdir Dengan Sang Alpha


    Ramalan mengatakan jika pasangan sang alpha ditemukan, maka kekuatannya yang tersegel akan terbuka. Oleh sebab itu, raja naga merah dari kerajaan langit membayar seorang penyihir menara tinggi untuk mencari lokasi pasangan sang alpha, raja daratan. Raja naga merah melakukan agresi pada kaum peri, lokasi tempat pasangan sang alpha tinggal. Dari sanalah setelah penyerbuan itu dibatalkan oleh sang alpa. Desas desus tentang luna yang sudah ditemukan tersebar, bahkan jati dirinya dilindungi dengan baik oleh sang alpa. Alexa, dia adalah ras berdarah campuran serigala dan peri. Luna dari black pack tempat tinggalnya saat ini, memiliki dendam pada raja naga merah. kehilangan ibu yang mati tepat didepan matanya, ayah yang melarikan dirinya sendiri. Dia harus menjadi kuat untuk membalas dendam, bersama alpha Matthias, matenya. Alexa menjadi sosok luna ditakuti yang bahkan sosoknya tak diketahui banyak orang.

    34 Chs 14 Sammlungen

  • Bound By Fate Of Alpha original

    Bound By Fate Of Alpha



    Alexa has mixed blood from a wolf father and a fairy mother, she has to see her mother die in front of her eyes and the news of her father has not been found. Makes Alexa determined to take revenge on all those who hurt her, as she meets her death during the dragon warrior massacre in the fairy forest area that killed her mother. Alexa promises to fight and fight them to the end. Moreover, the rope of fate tied her with the alpha Matthias. The man Alexa loves so much, that she must protect her mate from enemies in a dangerous blanket. That's why she wanted to venture out to find more power from the outside because Alexa thought staying silent wouldn't save her from an old enemy who was now hiding because of his serious injuries.

    121 Chs 93 Sammlungen

  • Touch My Heart. original

    Touch My Heart.


    Gadis nakal namun memiliki paras yang mendekati sempurna. Namun, nasibnya tidak seperti anak-anak lain karena Andriana dijodohkan. Akibat ulahnya yang nakal, lalu kejujuran Daddy-nya membuat Andriana tidak bisa berkutik lagi. Ketika dia masih berusia 18 tahun terpaksa menikah dengan seorang pengusaha muda yang bernama Lee Jaevan. Dan Andriana berjanji tidak akan pernah mencintai lelaki itu seumur hidupnya karena bagi Andriana ini adalah pernikahan kontrak yang tidak akan bertahan lama. Namun lambat laun Andriana merasakan getaran benih-benih cinta yang tumbuh kepada Jaevan. Apakah mereka yang sama-sama tidak peduli satu sama lain bisa saling mencintai? Hubungan yang berawal dari keterpaksaan bisa menghasilkan rumah tangga yang harmonis? Mari kita simak kelanjutannya ya!

    6 Chs 3 Sammlungen

  • When The Party's Over. original

    When The Party's Over.


    WSA Indonesia Kanneth dan Irina adalah pasangan muda yang menikah secara diam-diam karena tidak mendapat restu, memaksa keinginan mereka mengatas namakan cinta. Namun bagaimana jadinya, jika ada orang ketiga yang akhirnya mengguncang rumah tangga mereka yang baru seumur jagung. Apalagi saat semua perkara itu semakin panas, Olivia, sahabat dekat Kanneth mengandung anaknya. Sedangkan Irina, harus mendapati dirinya mengidap depresi dan aneroksia karena rasa sedih mendalam juga ketakutan akan perubahan tubuh yang dapat dikomentari banyak orang jika dia tak pantas berada di sisi Kanneth sebagai perempuan biasa. Tentu setelah banyak penderitaan itu, Irina tak akan membiarkan Olivia hidup dengan tenang di sisi suaminya. Bahkan Kanneth, Irina tak akan membuat menyenangkan hidupnya selama bersamanya. _____________________ "Kamu tau, sedari awal hubungan ini aku sudah belajar untuk kehilangan kamu meski gak mampu." Setelah sekian lama terdiam, Irina berhasil bicara pada suaminya yang berselingkuh dengan perempuan yang dia bilang hanya sekedar 'sahabat'. "Irina, Olivia hanya teman aku..." Aku menyela cepat."Itu yang kamu anggap teman, dia hamil anak kamu!!" "Tapi kamu tau, aku mencintai kamu, bukan dia!" "Dan kamu sudah mengingkari janji kamu untuk mencintai aku seorang!!" Kanneth terdiam, dia sudah pasti tak dapat membalas ucapan Irina yang membeberkan fakta. "Jika aku jabarkan semua kebohongan kamu yang aku ketahui, sudah tak terhitung sakitnya aku karena berjuang untuk kamu!! Salahku gak menuntut banyak agar kamu memikirkan tentang aku lebih banyak!" Irina menarik napas sesak saat sadar air mata mengaliri kedua pipinya. "Dan semua orang menjatuhkan aku, menilai diriku hanya dari pakaian yang aku gunakan. Mengasumsikan kita berdua tidak cocok memiliki hubungan ini, jadi... tolong lepaskan aku dari penderitaan ini Kanneth."

    10 Chs 20 Sammlungen

  • The Arrogant CEO. original

    The Arrogant CEO.



    Galang dan Dita adalah pasangan terkenal di media masa, seorang mantan artis sekaligus CEO entertainment yang maju dan seorang pemilik butik terkenal yang digandrung menjadi pasangan romantis paling sensasional. Harus dikejutkan dengan berita menggeparkan di mana, semua opini itu hancur sebab Galang ketahuan berselingkuh dan para netizen meminta agar segera bercerai. Jadi, bagaimanakah cara Dita menyelesaikan masalah rumah tangganya yang sudah membuatnya babak belur itu.

    14 Chs 36 Sammlungen

  • The Arrogant CEO chasing his wife original

    The Arrogant CEO chasing his wife



    [THIS NOVEL WAS NOT CONTINUED IN ENGLISH AND WAS MOVED TO INDONESIAN IN THE FIZZO APP.] Bastian and Sarah are a famous couple in the mass media. A former artist, an advanced entertainment CEO, and a renowned boutique owner destined to be the most sensational romantic couple. It must be shocking by the shocking news that all opinions were destroyed because Bastian was caught having an affair, and netizens asked for an immediate divorce. So, how does Sarah solve the household problems that have made her battered?

    15 Chs 89 Sammlungen