After all, in the words of the fictional preacher Joshua Graham, "We can't expect God to do all the work…"
War · Zentmeister
"This house lacks ingredients for traditional Han dishes," she muttered to herself, hands still deftly moving the rice around the wok. "Perhaps I should go out tomorrow and stock up, just in case." In no time, the egg fried rice was ready, so she shifted her attention to the final dish: sweet and sour pork.
Urban · RavenClaw471
dude, 30 metres per second is 108 kilometres per hour. That is insane.
With a speed of over thirty meters per second,
Sci-fi · Who's Ridiculous
"Come with me if you don't want to be late," Will, the SD-850-I robot series built by Nexus Prime, said in his iconic unfeeling voice as he picked up Sylvana for a piggyback ride and walked toward the car parked outside.
Urban · RavenClaw471
Meanwhile, the Russo-German losses were less than a tenth of those suffered by the Red Army. At the same time, these same men discovered that the entrenching tool was perhaps the most lethal weapon on the modern battlefield.
War · Zentmeister
One by one Bruno took the lives of the Red Army soldiers in the trench line, wielding a sharpened entrenching tool in one hand, and a luger in the other. Only stopping to swap out the spent magazine of his sidearm before shooting men in the chest and cracking their domes open as if they were pinatas.
War · Zentmeister
A weapon which was sturdy, and sharp enough to cut through their skull, and the brain beneath with a single hit. Perhaps if these men had been wearing a steel helmet, the blow would have been less severe. But the cloth hats on their heads which bore the red star of the Bolshevik revolution did very little to prevent such a lethal strike from killing them.
War · Zentmeister
As everyone tried to use their full length rifles, and the short sword length bayonets on the end of them to kill each other in the confined spaces of the trench. Bruno simply walked among them like death incarnate nimbly dodging the enemy's rather awkward thrusts and cracking their domes with his shovel.
War · Zentmeister
Having just seen a man killed before his very eyes with a fucking shovel, Ludwig stared at Bruno in disbelief, who merely winked at his older brother before walking off where he continued to get up behind the Red Army and split their skulls open with his shovel as if it were a weapon of mass destruction.
War · Zentmeister
"The protocols of what now? What the hell did I just find? Whatever is, it's evidence… Which means I am sure the boss will want to get his hands on it as soon as possible…"
Re: Blood and Iron
War · Zentmeister