jenny born from great witch family, who has one son and one daughter, jenny is third child, jenny want to freedom from magical realism but she has follow the magical law and become a servant of non- limit sealer. her mother is famous witch, but her ego is higher for love of daughter, jenny was limit for magic power, because of the magical war, human effect by them, some human also effect by them, but some evil magician hunt limit sealer., as for the law 3rd child of magician alway an limit sealer. but jenny was attack by black witch.
Golu was enjoying his life, but for a small fight. his cousin file a fake police case against them. after that, his dreaming of becoming a IPS is destroyed. he used his father money power against me. after that no college gave them admission. his parent tel them truth about his life. he depressed want to die. his parent surrender because of money. he decided to fight to death arena and fight against most wanted gangster. he break his every bone and throw them to sewage canals
world where people live with super power and powerless people. people born with super power called snaturei. powerless people called snature. sima is snature, her mother treated her lowly as compare to her twin sister