"IF IT DOESN'T, YOU AIN'T USING ENOUGH OF IT," Smasher wisely advised.
Movies · Daddy
giver hell
(AN: My work is sending me to a two-week certification course out of state on March 1st. As such, during the weeks of 3/3 and 3/10, I will not be releasing chapters. Earning the certification at the end of the course comes with a decent pay raise at work, so I cannot afford to screw it up. Sorry, guys!)
Anime & Comics · ManOfCultureLeon
"I imagine the little green menace is keeping my memory alive in some way. He's likely the origin of many of those legends," Fay said, her lips quirking up slightly in amusement.
Movies · Daddy
For a moment, his odd, mischievously wise aura set me at ease. Then, he poked a touch too far, practically knocking at the door to my mind. I recoiled, and my spite came back with a vengeance. I lashed at the proverbial poking finger. He treated me much like a snapping puppy. I could almost literally see the metaphysical newspaper he rapped me on the nose with…
Movies · Daddy
Did they really just meet a directionally challenged mage?
Anime & Comics · nkcthereaper
Madara's grin was so wide it was impossible to hide.
Anime & Comics · Coreal
"Potter," Snape said stiffly, trying to subtly edge away from the affectionate cub, "control your... pet."
Book&Literature · Evoxius
"I know just the place from that map," Nicolas smiled. "Have you ever tried pizza, Harry?"
Book&Literature · Evoxius
im liking this dumbledore
Harry slid off the chair, his new books feeling heavy in his pouch. He walked to the office door with slow steps, hoping Dumbledore might change his mind. But when he reached for the handle, all his grandpa said was "Goodnight, Harry."
Book&Literature · Evoxius
this make me both happy and sad as i love all of your books so far, so well I'm happy we're heading back to the dead end I'll miss reading this. enjoy your break and c u at the bar
As promised, I'm returning to 'Gotham's Dead End Bar' next. But to do so, I need to reread 420k words to refamiliarize myself with the story/characters/hanging plot threads, and that'll take me a while lol. Still, I expect I'll be writing the first return chapter of that story before the month is up. Something to look forward to. And there will still be a few more chapters of KYBER-PUNK coming. As always, thanks for everything, all of you :]
KYBER-PUNK 22BBY [Inspired Inventor+]
Movies · Daddy