The one with the chicken farming for lifespan?
Ning Daoran shivered slightly, "Wasn't he retiring to become a rich landlord?"
Eastern · Lost Leaf
Most likely
Finally, this was not an anime. Kaizer had no interest in being a hidden boss who lived in the shadows while a bunch of suspiciously beautiful and voluptuous women in skintight bodysuits did most of the work for him.
Urban · Kotario
Never managed to finish season 1 of that
Finally, this was not an anime. Kaizer had no interest in being a hidden boss who lived in the shadows while a bunch of suspiciously beautiful and voluptuous women in skintight bodysuits did most of the work for him.
Urban · Kotario
Personally, i really like this trope
"Dead from laughter, even I passed it in one glance back in the day," Cheese replied with a light huff.
Sci-fi · Riding the Waves to Find the Boat
It was quicklime!
Sci-fi · Riding the Waves to Find the Boat
Oh, we got a IGT reader here huh. Hows it going bruv?
[Portal (Active): You can drop a spatial marker at a location and teleport there. Distance limited to 2,000,000 kilometers. Costs 50% bloodline energy max and 0.1% bloodline energy minimum.]
Eastern · Kotario
Su Muyu swung her legs, smiling beautifully, and said, "I'll support you. Don't all those online games you guys play have support roles?"
Eastern · Take an unconventional path
Ghana man?
This blond thug, usually the type to bully the weak and fear the strong, was intimidated by Lu Heng's fierce demeanor and didn't dare utter a sound as he scurried away.
Eastern · Take an unconventional path
Has anyone else noticed something? Parker has only ever appeared where Chen Ke is alone and has never interacted with a 3rd person. I think he's a made up figure by Chen Ke.
He didn't tell Parker about the head matter, mainly because it wasn't necessary and carrying a head around was just too bizarre; Chen Ke didn't want to have to explain.
Fantasy · Plastic bomb
A lot of future pyschics would do the same as these guys, worshipping him day and night as their 'Overlord'.
Saying this, he stood up and dusted himself off to leave, having other things to do. In his mind, this should give them a big bone to chew on for a while instead of disturbing him, but the Kaizer of the future would lament this day.
Psychic Overlord
Urban · Kotario