Red_elk - Profile



LV 15
2018-11-22 Beigetreten Sweden

Abzeichen 37

Moments 1691


Except that Victor abused Rina and continued cheating on her.

"Haha, but your grandpa was such a sweet husband after we got married, and he never cheated on me afterward. He reminds me so much of Victor," she said, followed by a sad smile.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


I think you are right: she is better off without you. Moving to another country to avoid you, is a hint that she thinks so too.

"S-sorry... I didn't know... because I lacked the courage back then to find out about Rina's situation here in America. I simply believed she would be better off without me. But I had no idea that so much had happened to her in America..."

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


She doesn't want you anymore, nor is she obligated to want you or accept anything from you.

"Yeah, but I'm hurt because it seems like you just want to throw away everything that comes from me," Victor said, but Rina just raised an eyebrow at him.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


Is Victor pursuing Rina a good thing? Rina has a good life now, without the stupid, abusive and violent Victor. Don't forget that he nearly choked her to death because she said something he did not want to hear. David is a much more mature and supportive partner. A good solution could be to have them co-parenting the children, but living separately.

"Haist!... I thought there would be progress between you two, but it seems like there's still none... Why are you so slow in pursuing her, Victor? Are you really my son? You're so different from your father, who was so eager and assertive when he courted me back then. I still remember our first meeting where he wasted no time in making his move, but comparing to you, there's still no improvement. Haist!" his mom said, sounding disappointed.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


Heis a Sy. Why would he want his scummy father's surname.

"Yes, so unless Venedict becomes a full-fledged Reymundo and carries our family name, we won't discuss anything further about Venice. For now, I will grant your request to not remove her from the family register, as it may cause turmoil within our family if they were to find out the truth. So, do your best to persuade Venedict to become a part of our family within the span of three months," Victor's grandmother said seriously, surprising him and the rest of their family who heard her statement.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


So, you mean to use Venice, just like Helena used her?

"They still don't know about it, but once it comes out that you are indeed Venedict's twin, we will tell them about it, and there's a greater chance that our family can be reunited," Victor explained, though Venice still felt a tinge of sadness from his words.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


Why? You never understood or cared about your duties to your family before.

Victor's voice trembled with emotion as he spoke. If Zendrick's words were true, he couldn't forgive himself for not being a present father to Venice all these years. Despite trying to convince himself that he treated Venice like his own child, he couldn't deny that he had focused more on Venedict, especially after learning that Venedict was his biological child.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


So you basically let him do what he wants, with no consequences. So, you condone his actions.

"Uhm... we're aware that our son made a mistake, and we don't condone his actions. That's why we're letting him handle and correct his mistake on his own, without our intervention... So, as adults, we shouldn't interfere in their problems and let them make their own decisions," Hector responded.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


I find it disturbing that you support him in harassing Rina. It seems you find family drama entertaining, even on your friend's wedding.

"Hey, Victor, you've been fixated on Rina for quite a while now. I'm afraid she might melt now because of your hot stares! And nothing will happen if you just keep on staring at her, you know!" Zendrick teased Victor, encouraging him to take action.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


No, she needs reassurance and protection from Victor.

Despite also wanting to get to know Venedict himself, Hector understood that Rina was avoiding them, perhaps she just needed time to heal and move on from the pain and betrayal Victor had done to her.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


I think your father can answer that question: he succeeded in doing just that.

"You heard my daughter, Mr. Petterson. And, by the way, I didn't raise my child to be a liar. So, who among our children is the one lying? Certainly not mine, right? How could a well-known businessman like me raise a lying child?" He stated with a hint of threat in his tone, making it clear that he wasn't taking the accusation lightly.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


Chuunibyou much? Hereby, the great I relieve you of custody of your child! You may now clap and say thanks. In reality, this goes through court.

"You have no right over her anymore! From now on, I am revoking your rights to her," Victor declared with cold finality, observing Helena's disbelief.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


Attempted murder, par for the course for a domestic abuser.

His anger surged, and he acted swiftly, seizing her by the throat with a vice-like grip, his eyes clouded with rage as he choked her.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


If you need that in order to be able to empathise, you are a failure as a human being.

After all, he hadn't experienced love yet and wasn't familiar with the concept of a broken heart.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


Marrying someone implies you will be exclusive.

"Yes, I agreed, but it wasn't part of the deal that once we're married, I can't see Helena anymore!"

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


You can tell the truth to Helena, you just don't dare to.

"Is this what you proudly claim to be capable of? Frankly, Helena could do everything you do! But because you're my wife, I can't tell her the truth about our situation, because you're a thorn standing between us!" Victor retorted.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz


He should not be facing clients, he lack basic interaction skills.

"Wow, you're still as rude as ever. Don't forget I'm a big client of yours, and we're not done with signing our partnership agreement. You should treat me with respect," his partner joked, laughing at Victor's reaction.

Pregnant With His Child

Pregnant With His Child

Urban · Zandzzzzzz

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