

LV 11
2018-11-10 Beigetreten Global
Abzeichen 7

Moments 171
1 days ago
Replied to Ninelions

He knows how stingy the system is. He should have anticipated that it won’t be free and asked for price. This story is becoming more and more unreadable. Like that assassination mission in a damn college! Against a damn noble from a really powerful family! That was too forced! He can easily get out of it- threaten to expose it ? Actually expose it to the grandfather ? They can’t threaten to throw him out by a task on a mission board… and he is being forced to assassinate someone without knowing what he has done to earn it..

'Damn it! Then tell me that beforehand! I would have taken this one more seriously.'

This Beast-Tamer is a Little Strange

This Beast-Tamer is a Little Strange

Fantasy · KeepingSilent

1 days ago

Why not go to the 6 star grandfather and tell him that the college wants him to kill his grandson and is threatening to throw him out if he refuses? Think!

'So I guess I'm just supposed to go to my first day of classes then, and not think about how my future attendance relies on being able to kill the son of a NOBLE family. If it ever leads back to me I am doomed.'

This Beast-Tamer is a Little Strange

This Beast-Tamer is a Little Strange

Fantasy · KeepingSilent

1 days ago

He answered that he is only willing to kill if they deserved it. How will he know he deserves it if he is not told?

"Correct. You can go about your daily life as normal."

This Beast-Tamer is a Little Strange

This Beast-Tamer is a Little Strange

Fantasy · KeepingSilent

1 days ago

This is absolutely stupid. And is this a school or a damn assassins stable? This type of missions should not have been allowed…

"Please note that due to their sensitive nature, once the details of a Black mission have been shown you are obligated to complete it. Failure to do so will result in severe repercussions, including detainment for an indefinite period of time and/or expulsion from the college. It is strongly encouraged that you successfully complete this mission."

This Beast-Tamer is a Little Strange

This Beast-Tamer is a Little Strange

Fantasy · KeepingSilent

1 days ago

This is stupid. I’d he kills all his monsters the same way, and someone finds that out, it will be easy to tie him to this assassination zzz

"This mission has stringent requirements on secrecy and the manner of death. Absolutely no physical evidence of foul play such as wounds or poison can be detected. However, due to the target's identity those above 3-stars will have difficulty interacting with the target. It is imperative that the target's death look as natural as possible, even when examined by a 6-star beast tamer. Therefore, in order to assess your ability to successfully meet these requirements, a test will be held."

This Beast-Tamer is a Little Strange

This Beast-Tamer is a Little Strange

Fantasy · KeepingSilent

1 months ago
Replied to Doomed_Angel

They can send people from their base to other places. It right now, he is at the border and running back. So they can’t teleport him. Only whoever is in the village.

To Fujin's surprise, a barrier formed around the 381 Kumo ninjas. Fujin's left eye twitched at that sight as he wondered, 'Are they tempting me to kill them all?'

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

1 months ago

How about NOT attacking? For all they know, if they retreat, he will not attqck- as he has told them multiple times he was not in the mood.

Jin sighed and said, "I understand your feelings. However, this is what both Lord Third and Lord Fourth would have done. Even if we don't sacrifice them, he'll still kill them. And, he'll move on to the next group. The result would be worse. As the leader, you need to make tough decisions."

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

1 months ago
Replied to Foosh

Kishimoto was very very racist- The one village that is shown to overtly kidnaps little girls and steal openly was black. The others did it- but they were all unwilling to let the public know about it. Even though they were called shinobi, other than the root, and to a lesser degree, anbu , the remaining were more warriors with chakra. Little known fact- the shinobi were going to be magicians, until kishimoto figured out that it was too similar to Harry Potter and changed it.

He chuckled and continued, "Have you forgotten that you fellows are the ones who attacked me? More than four hundred ninjas attacking someone who wasn't in the mood… Not to mention, those weaklings tried to sneak attack as well not too long ago. Instead of regretting and accusing pointlessly, pick your opponents more wisely if you survive today."

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

1 months ago
Replied to Kortar

He is probably going to absorb that chakra back into himself.. With him using hiraishin- he can use some time to absorb here, and some time to meditate and recover once he reaches the next base .

Fujin stopped thinking about the Fuin Battlefield. Though he got ideas to improve it further, its current level was sufficient for him for the time being. He turned his gaze towards the winds flowing inside the base.

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex

1 months ago
Replied to Yukihira01

I want fujin to pull the retired hiruzen into becoming the teacher of all the orphans.

Both Shikaku and Eagle left Hiruzen's office and began preparing immediately. Hiruzen grabbed his smoke pipe and got up from his chair. He gazed at the stone faces of the Hokage and thought, 'If I have to use the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to stop my traitorous disciple and join you three, I will at least ensure that Konoha gets a breathing space of a few years at the very least.

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Naruto : The Wind Calamity

Fantasy · Devil_Hex