Kip Dagger is just like any other angst teenager obsessed with comic books and superheroes alike. The only difference is that they are real. Superheroes have become an ordinary occurrence and big name villains are common place. In his obsession for superheroes, he decides to pursue one of the greatest heroes as a battle takes place in his local train station. However the events lead Kip to discover his own superpowers, a different motive in mind.
Leon remembered his last breathe as a nuclear warhead was dropped on his hometown. After the explosion, he woke up in a forest. The forest contained nothing out of the ordinary. Then he is greeted by an Angel, saying he is the God of this world, participating in a game the One true God created himself
A world of Magic, a world called Mystery. In the land of Mystery, anything can happen and come about. From a race of undead warriors attacking a school to a volcano that moves on a cloud in the sky. Almost everything is possible, but every thing follows a set of level and rule. When a Mage is born, their mana starts at zero and they are given a single innate ability and an affinity to magical power that has many possible ranges. These mages use spells to draw out their power but the only way they can create a spell is through muscle memory and practice.