
LV 4

I am a crazy reader...

2018-11-03 Beigetreten Global
Abzeichen 5

Moments 3
2 years ago
Replied to Daoist005787

I totally agree. And cultural differences has made the story confusing and annoying even for America readers. In America things doesn't work as in China. Translator has no idea of American culture. It looks lame.

2 years ago
Replied to ganberry

Exactly. And setting a Chinese story into American culture is also confusing and irritating. Names and setting should be kept in original form. Extra details are annoying like readers are stupid. A whole chapters just explains what someone is thinking. One problem keep stretching and no one is willing to talk and explain until progtagonists speaks 10 pages worth dialogues.

2 years ago

Overall plot is good but translation is ruining it. Extra details small chapters are annoying. Plot should be kept in original Chinese setting. Making it American culture which is totally different from Chinese making story confusing. Everything should be kept original.