BMOmk3 - Profile


male LV 4


2018-11-04 Beigetreten United States

Abzeichen 8

Moments 100

Replied to Nekomiko_succubus

not even for christmas? doubt

"Regrets you had huh... I see. I guess you wish to fullfit them this time. It should be easy to arrange, but I will be asking Yasaka-chan help for this one since I am not too versed in technology. You shouldn't worry about asking, you know. I actually had a worry when you were little, you never asked for anything in particular. After hearing all that yesterday, I understood the reason. But, even though you have lived more years than what your body can tell... You should never forget that I will do everything I can to help you". She seriously said.

Highschool DxD: A new opportunity

Highschool DxD: A new opportunity

Anime & Comics · Nyarlathotep00



1- give the mc a skill that makes it so that the women he fucks, can't be fucked by any other men.

Pornstar System

Pornstar System

Urban · demon_king69


hope you find your stride author and thank you for the chapter


one of the nicest authors on the site


glad to hear it because so far i really like the story

[[ Thank you all for your feed back about how the story should progress and I would like to say it helped alot now I'm confident I can write something out of this ]]

DXD God of gods

DXD God of gods

Anime & Comics · KristoPherus


ok so something that needs to be clear is what what his goal is when he reincarnated. I just reread the first few chapters to try and figure it out but it’s kinda vague. He doesn’t really have a reason to want to be there. However he did choose high school dxd specifically so it seems like he wanted the harem route. As for ideas of the upcoming story I think there is three options. First continue with atermis and eventually add to the harem (idk really how u would do this because there no lead into it, but you could make mc visit mount olympus for whatever reason). Second, make him start the canon story, like attend kuoh academy just for fun, and he can make his own club or something with ophis and alice, one idea would be that Soma and Rias recognize ophis (like recognize her massive energy) and then are confused as to whose is with ophis aka mc. Just as a way to intreduce more characters. I think this is probably the one that’s easiest to follow up, but you if don’t like the idea that’s fine. Third choice would be maybe since Ophis is involved with the khaos brigade, mc thinks they are manipulating her and he decides to wipe them out. That includes Baraquiel (i think he part of it). Then that leads angels, fallen angels, and devils to look for mc. (i recognized as i wrote this it wasn’t a great idea). Finally one that could work is, ophis and alice want to go on walks with mc right, they get bored of kuoh so u take them to go see heaven ( treating heavan like a park) from there micheal and gabriel get scared of ophis and appear in front of mc. Gabriel prolly really likes cute things and hugs ophis as she looks like a child. From there i don’t really know but its a way to introduce Gabriel (for harem). I wrote this all as i came up with it, im not saying u have to use any of these, but hopefully they can help you come up with something. I also recommend maybe rewriting the first few chapters to make the story have more of a goal. Ok that was excessively long sorry about it Cya

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