More plse, I really like this fanfic and cant wait for more
Rewrite it if you feel you need, to its your story.
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Definitely 6 and I guess 14
Lol thanks for the chapter. Also love the "from disk till dawn" reference
That sound sweet!!!! Makes sense to
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Movies · Fenris_1
Defenetly stargate
Woot!! Glad to see your back!
Keep going, I really enjoy this fanfic
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Anime & Comics · Your_host_HK
Yes for harem but not like some fairy tail it all just works you should have them have to work to make it work. In my personal experience life is about how many times and how often u can get nut punched and still keep going so they would have to put in work and make compromises and learn about each other to make it work
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Movies · Uchiha_Lover21
Professor Dovahkiin-continued
Book&Literature · access11