Won't that give them a monopoly on the 5th satrum?
Thank you for the chapter! Can not wait till the 5th.
i smell a lot of troubles before the Gang, but i will be so glad satchung tree burning at the end of it. Even thou i like trees Thank you for a chapters
so like... what will happen after there is no more world tree? Old one chose the next one, doesn't he? So if the tree get burned after being too greedy there is no next world tree?
thank you for the chapter
thank you for rhe chapter
No lies there. Didn't need to mention the inconvenient worship of ants, either.
Fantasy · RinoZ
And in the near feature:
I strugle worh impostor syndrom every day at my work. I read this chaper after a long day in the office and thouse words brought tears to my eyes. Only thriumf delayed. That hit hard. :D Thank you for the speak Namless One. And bigger thank you for the chapter!
Fantasy · RinoZ