
LV 14
2018-09-12 Beigetreten United States
Abzeichen 9

Moments 55
1 years ago

Loins* not lions. (Though some are lionesses lol)

Then the tube returned to Draco and he came to life. His eyes opened, revealing the pure green luster that caused the minds of all males to shake and the lions of all females to discharge. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

1 years ago

on* within stead of “in”

Following him Was Deployed Soldier, whose eyes glowed beautifully. A light shot from them and passed through the glabella of the Kraken, as Deployed used his psychic abilities to add more fuel to the conflict going in within, assisting the dark spirits from Dreary Traveler and the Succubus Mist from Bella. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

1 years ago
Replied to TheLazyBear

If the left already to do other things then thats not getting fixed anytime soon lol

As such, he decided to take the hit with some minimal defenses on, which blasted him through the pocket dimension, out through the entrance and out into space like a meteor, crashing through Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, before finally plunging into the icy oceans of Neptune. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

1 years ago
Replied to Saphartlantis


This surprised and excited the Evil Duo, and they checked out what this nee branch was about. After perusing it for a while, they connected their minds and shared their mutual understandings and sought ideas. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

1 years ago
Replied to

Bring me a shrubbery!

This surprised and excited the Evil Duo, and they checked out what this nee branch was about. After perusing it for a while, they connected their minds and shared their mutual understandings and sought ideas. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

1 years ago


"She grew up pampered an ;loved by her people, so she will naturally be more patriotic to her home country and seek its benefits. Japan have long wanted to conquer china for their natural resources, which came to a head in World War 2, and Eva placing puppet rulers in China would achieve that for Japan." Sublime explained knowingly. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

1 years ago


There was also Krona who was currently fighting against a blue female humanoid with the ability to flat and control ice. All his water related abilities were mimicked by her ice related ability, so they were two kinds of the same thing, but with different elements. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

1 years ago

“The was next” ??

Draco smiled to the others and gestured for them to follow. Eva took the lead and went down while the was next. The God Serpent Inheritors shared looks and jumped down along with them. 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

1 years ago
Replied to Morning_Star666

I couldn’t tell considering the other half of the sentence referred to viewing distances

Ramshel did just that. While they continued on, Draco and Eva first tested their psychic abilities. They found that it was a lot smoother to sue and the pushback was far weaker. With the same energy, that they could only check 100 meters, they could now check almost 1 kilometer! 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario

1 years ago

Smoother to see* ?

Ramshel did just that. While they continued on, Draco and Eva first tested their psychic abilities. They found that it was a lot smoother to sue and the pushback was far weaker. With the same energy, that they could only check 100 meters, they could now check almost 1 kilometer! 

Guild Wars

Guild Wars

Games · Kotario