im fr dying from laughing so hard
About to retreat, his thoughts were interrupted when Nanami's sword struck him squarely in the jaw, Itadori quickly grabbing him by the hair and pulling him into a kneebar, before the two sorcerers began to punish him with an unstoppable wave of attacks that drew more and more blood from the curse.
Anime & Comics · TheJiujitsuGuy
nicely done i almost didn't see it till i looked again
3:32 PM, Karakura Junior High.
Anime & Comics · Seth_Eden_5432
could give em a blood manipulation ability or a low tier Regen
love the story so far just pls don't lock the chapters or drop it and I'll give all the power stones to u when it resets everyday
is this story dropped for both fanfiction and here
like i said i vote for both so this might be cheating
I'm actually torn between queen Sela and android 21 so I'll be voting for both but I'll put my votes on queen Sela since she already has 8
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- Alex Mercer, with the BlackLight Virus!
Marvel: Video Game Templates!
Movies · StrikerAuthor